
Email to him:

To Tooraloo,

It was brought to our attention by a number of site members that you made multiple transphobic statements in chat towards another site member, insinuating they were insane and delusional for being transgender, which ended up derailing chat for approximately half an hour. A site moderator asked the room repeatedly to stop and move on to another topic but people noted to us that you continued to derail chat. Some of the slurs you used also included "tranny", "nigga" and "fag" all of which are inappropriate language. While you are free to hold whatever beliefs that you have, you must abide by site rules and appropriate site conduct in order to continue to use this site. Overall this was very inappropriate behaviour of you and unfortunately as a result your account has now been suspended for 3 days. If you continue this behavior upon your return it will result in a longer suspension.

In the future, please try to be politer to other members and please remember to listen to site moderators when they ask people to move on to another topic to avoid derailing chat and/or discussion in order to have a more harmonious browsing experience.
'3. respect others
Please be courteous and respectful at all times, showing tolerance towards our diverse membership and the broad range of fantasies and ideas they hold. Do not post anything that is rude or insulting and do not deliberately try to 'close down' discussion just because you disagree with it or find it offensive (please report it to a moderator instead). Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behaviour.'
'4. respect moderators
Moderators are here for the benefit of the website as a whole. They have the final say over disputes and if they ask you to do (or not do) something please respect their wishes. This includes refraining from publicly arguing or debating the issue.'

Kind regards,
FF Moderation Team
5 years


A, a transphobe.
To the topic change **
you're a drama sponge dude

Like I said, another glass of Pinot for everyone? smiley Ha...
Yeah, I could use one
*** off everytime i see you here you want room to revolve around you

Dude, chill
CarlyCCandy > Tooraloo
you're the one who started this you clod😑
Lol what a snowflake, "someone is living in a way that doesn't effect me and I don't like it!"
y'all say that with out seeing his chat history, you'll agree soon enough

Saphiel Sir
No more jabbing back and forth, move on now thanks
this nigga never not in chat, never an opportunity to not be center of attention

mmmm oh yes. Tell me how saggy my fat tits are daddy
Thanks for your kind words those who care I'm gonna just disappear now bye...
and.....that just got weird as hell
Just stop talking, dude. You're making things worse
Best time for a chat reset lol
my chat didn't reset
i was thinking the same thing
Mine did
you're not gonna disappare, that would be too kind of you to do @carly

but I took a screen of that comment that will live forever lol
KassieR > Tooraloo
look just because you don't agree with some one fact fake or some where between doesn't mean you can just break people down for fun regardless that is cold and cruel
8add888 > Tooraloo
what do you have against Carly?
Tooraloo > KassieR
i'm gonna take it you haven't been here last few weeks that fag has made this chat revolve around him and his issues every time heres here, he want's people to cry cause a man once made him said, he wan'ts people to know that's why he doens't RP with guys anymore
he's a ***ing child

"He" is a girl
well then you must refer to me as god
cause i think i'm god

Saphiel Sir
I said move on thanks
KassieR > Tooraloo
I HAVE been here and you are just being rude for the sake of being rude this chat is for every one and I am not a mod but don't like it don't get your ass stuck in the revolving door on the way out
KassieR > Saphiel Sir
alright Saph.....
if u want some one that BELIEVE they a GOD, u need to listen to BBWCreate's BS
um you're said your but i just said i'm god, so you must say god's ass
you intolerant ass

Intolerant ass.... that line is kind of ironic, no?
lol i mean would i be intolerant if i didn't agree with the homeless guy who thought the radio was talking to him?

it time to back it down, like sir said
why should i indulge any delusions?

It's not a delusion. She got a sex change surgery. She is a female.
ReturningFA > Tooraloo
now I am thinking of A Beautiful Mind
if anyone told you blue was red would you agree cause they said so?

Saphiel Sir
Please move onto another topic, thank you
oh wow surgeons are god now? i didn't know
"she" can have a child and bleed once a month?

Saphiel Sir
Alright, let me see... counting...
or just turned a dick inside out?

Mistress of the desert
Neither can I, it's called menapause.
There are millions of cis women that can do that argument is invalid
Mistress of the desert
Seriously, you're so obsessed with their genitals it's obscene.
lololol that's hilarious you're devolved to the point you're pointing to middle aged women to justify trannies
PC culture is a stand up comedic on it's own

Mistress of the desert
You're the only one talking about it.
Mistress of the desert
Even after the admin said to move on.
8add888 > Tooraloo
Stop talking about it and everyone else will too
who needs chappelle show when you have settle Washington

Mistress of the desert
He doesn't know how, I know his type, what goes around comes around, remember that.
Annnnnnnnnnyway. John wick 3
5 years


Tooraloo 2 years,

Was transphobic in chat towards CarlyCCandy, kept repeatedly referring to her as a man and treated her as though she was mentally ill. I asked the room to move on but he wouldn't stop and he ignored me until someone outright reminded him that I was a moderator, then he shut up. Have given him 3 days off.

what's up people
7 mins

HappyBigBoy > KassieR
Ah, give daddy a kiss, girl ;-)
7 mins
KassieR > HappyBigBoy
pff not if you were the last man on earth would I kiss you lol
5 mins
HappyBigBoy > KassieR
Ha, I know better. Let me pour another glass of Pinot....
4 mins
nope no more wine
3 mins
seems bit dead in here
3 mins

it just odd tonight
3 mins
i kinda picked up on that

3 mins
I am concerned about what is happening
3 mins
i'm sure
2 mins

and what is happening
2 mins
I feel like I'm losing my mind
2 mins
2 mins
he feels like people aren't paying attention to him
2 mins

I will vote for that
1 min
KassieR > Tooraloo
1 min
CarlyCCandy > Tooraloo
who are you talking about?
1 min
1 min

KassieR > Tooraloo
you who that wasn't directed at anyone
1 min
CarlyCCandy > Tooraloo
I'm a girl...
1 min
yeah and a skitzo also thinks the radio is talking to him, doesn't make it true

48 secs
ur some where in between that
37 secs
23 secs
14 secs
i'm otherkin, i'm a dragon, you must all refer to me as mr dragon from now on
11 secs

KassieR now it is getting a little rude
CarlyCCandy > KassieR
sorry if reality is rude, but i'm also not a billionaire which is a bit rude to me imo

Saphiel Sir
What... is going on here?
Calories left
CarlyCCandy > Saphiel Sir
Hey room
what ever my mind thinks isn't reality
Tooraloo just because you think a certain way doesn't mean you need to insult others about their opinions and their life style
again just cause i think something doesn't make it reality

regardless if you think some one can not change biology or not people are allowed to live how they want to live
Saphiel Sir
Transphobia is against site rules I'm afraid
Later room
i think i own all your property, i expect the deed by tomomrrow

alright I am done ....wannabe troll alert
Saphiel Sir
Onto another topic thanks
logic!?!?!? run lol

CarlyCCandy > Saphiel Sir
tooraloo is the transphobic sponge
5 years

New chat

Off-hand, compared to the old chat:

-it's got multiple chatrooms including weight gain and role play
-you can now view the number of chats remaining per 24 hours (it was always present but not visible before)
-leaving the chatroom doesn't get rid of your private chats unless you actively shut them so you can come back without accidentally clicking out and needing to use up more chats to talk to the same person
-people are now visible on the side bar in a chatroom
-anyone on your block list will be blocked from sending you a private chat request
-it works better on mobile
-you can enter the chatroom but you don't actually have to stay in any of the rooms if you don't want to, you can shut all the rooms and wait in the 'lobby' if you fancy

There might be more but that's what I can think of so far.
5 years

Spam bot accounts

There's another rash of fake female spambots out again today, they're all signing up using outlook email addresses. They've been coming in for 6 hours now.
5 years

Fake females thread 3

PorkingUp 2 days,
Chubbily 3 days,'>
Piggster 5 days,
FatGorger 2 months,
Fattify 3 months,'>
Fatrevolution 3 months,
Chubote 5 months,

Just updating this, Chubote was at it again with three other fake female accounts (Piggster, Chubbily and PorkingUp) so they have been banned and he now has a week off.

Amusingly while his Piggster account contained stolen photos from web model Delicious Delilah, he also posted an old photos of her when she was skinny as 'proof' that they were real.
5 years

Fake males thread

JustMe123 1 month,
JamtheBand 4 years,

hylia reported JustMe123 and provided screenshots showing that he's using photos of his alleged brother. Have suspended his account and I'm ID checking both these accounts to see why he's got two accounts on his IP address.

Update: Aha, JamtheBand provided proof and it's the same guy in the photo that he sent hylia. I've restored his access to JamtheBand and have banned JustMe123 now.
5 years

New chat

I got a screenshot of the leaked private chats bug. As you can see below, I have the Users tab open where I was previously viewing a private chat, but when the chat refresh happened it suddenly replaced it with the General chatroom. People are making their private posts at the same time as this event happens which causes them to accidentally post whatever they were going to say out in General chat.

The resetting is still happening very frequently at times, often every minute or so at times and people are getting very, very distressed about it and the dropped private chats. One time the chat even reset 3 seconds after the last reset.

Also it appears that when the chat reset happens, it also turns the user panel back on if it was off, and the scroll icon gets turned back to the default without a slash even when the scrolling is turned off, causing the button to reverse functions.

Blocking private chats is working fine in chat however.
5 years

Questions about premium stories

A lot of the info about Premium content and Earnings can be found under the Commission link at the bottom of the website.

You can also read more about Premium content here: making money from your uploads - trial

Currently there are no particular guidelines in place that an author has to meet to make their story premium.
5 years

New chat

-There's also complaints about the chat resetting far too much as well. A reset even occurred about 20 seconds after the last one so we're not sure what happened.

-Some people would also like an LGBT room as well.

-Some people also feel its not as user-friendly as the older chat and people wish they wouldn't have to click on the message box to post each time and feel that it's a step back to have to do so since in the previous chat they could type and it would automatically go in the message box without having to do that.

-Also when the chat resets it wipes out everyones private chats and it also fills up everyone's chat counter to max again.

-Also someone else is using Linux and has been unable to access this chat when they were able to access the old chat just fine so they're not sure if a different codec is involved or anything.


the console trace say "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received." Text:1

btw the automatic chat scroll is still scrolling even though I disabled it and every time I refresh it gets enabled again

Saph, in chat, when I click on groups nothing happens or appears. Same with users. Is the chat down? I'm accessing via iPad, if that matters. The chat page just appears blank below the Group/User tabs. Sometimes when I refresh, the message bar shows up at the bottom of the page.

Re: people's private chats being leaked:
yes....what is happening is when you get kicked
the chat is resetting your PMs but whatever you have typed into the chat bar doesn't so when you click enter it gets placed here

Seems that could be it.
5 years