Immobility, but how much?

There has been a lot of talk about immobility, but it is always handled as one monolithic concept.

But it can have many different stages, so I'm curious what you mean when you say you want yourself or your partner to become immobile. In real life or fantasy?

1. nigh-immobility. You can't get up by yourself, but if someone helps, you can still stand up and maybe move a few steps on your own.

2. completely bed-ridden. Can't walk even with help.

3. world record holder.

4. higher than world record holder but can still put food in your mouth with your own hands, even if with great difficulty.

5. can no longer put food into your mouth with your own hands, can't even raise hands. The highest weight one might get in real life with our current understanding of biology.

6. Utterly ludicrous sizes only futuristic biological and medical sciences would make possible. Sizes only seen in comics. Laying in a huge bed and belly outflowing it, reaching the ground.
6 years

What happened to feedism?

One thing is true however: online panhandling became increasingly common on this site lately, to the point when it gets annoying.

It wasn't like this a few years ago. Now, a lot of profiles are nothing more than blatant panhandling, with fake pictures to boot. They don't participate in any discussions, they don't reply to any messages, all they do is screaming "send me money!"

You know, there is one thing if someone states in the profile that they accept donations, or that they start mentioning it in private after already establishing some kind of relationship, but on the other hand it's really annoying to see so many who are basically constantly spamming the forums to request money.

While I don't agree in them ruining feederism, they certainly have a negative effect on this site.
6 years

Boring post about couple and health issues. dont like it dont read it

Definitely B.

Although the size I find perfect in women is constantly growing, size is not the most important thing for me if I love someone.
6 years

Common misconceptions about feederism

Indeed it's not true that ALL feedees are female and all feeders are male, but it's still the overwhelming majority.
6 years

Yoyo gain

This is the story of my

Which part of it was intentional? The gaining or the losing?
6 years


Now that they exist would you mind being with one?

The term robot is too broad. What kind of robot do you mean?

This is also a robot:
6 years

Yoyo gain

I know someone who has been doing this for many years, even if not at such a fast rate. But it's so regular and predictable, you could almost use her as a calendar. She is relatively slim (at her thinnest), but during the winter she gains a lot of weight, most of it to her belly, she actually looks pregnant. Then during the spring she loses it all to prepare for the season where you can't hide it under puffy winter coats.

In mid-summer she decides to stop smoking, then gains an insane amount of weight in only a couple of weeks, then panics, starts smoking again and drops most of the weight in the autumn.

Then comes winter, and the whole process starts again from the beginning.
6 years

Feeding mcdonalds

Oh wow... if that was my first experience meeting a feeder I'd disappear a hell of a lot faster than she did! Soooo incredibly awkward for a first meet up!

This reminds me of how many young and cute plump girls we can often see, posting here on this site after so many years of not understanding and suppressing their desires, and as they gather some courage and finally start accepting themselves and post a few cute pictures of their bellies or post a few lines in the forum about finally gathering up the courage to talk about their desires or open up about how they want to gain weight... and then they disappear a short while later, after getting lots of rude comments from guys wanting to use them as sex tools without any regard for seeing them as human beings.
6 years

Discovering this fetish because of gaining gf

How was her attitude regarding her gain, and how did it develop over time? Did she try to fight it? Was she just grudgingly accepting it as a price to be payed to satisfy her appetite? Or did she embrace it?

This might also have an effect on how you feel about it.

In my case, the size I am most attracted to heavily depends on how she feels about it. If she feels well in her body and accepts her size, I can feel attracted to her even if she is extremely huge.

About discovering this fetish... (fetish might still be a bit of an overstatement in my case, because I can still be attracted to slimmer women) However, I was attracted to chubby girls since I can remember. Still, it changed over time, after getting to know larger and larger girls, my ideal female body type has slowly grown from chubby/fat to a size just outside of the BMI chart.
6 years

A survey for fa s regarding gainer's attitude?

SahX, wow, quite a journey!

It's almost like being bipolar, but not regarding good or bad mood, but with switching between fully determined to lose and fully determined to gain weight.
6 years