Serious about being 600+?

I gained a lot of weight when I got over 480 pounds.
My goal was to stop at 600 and today I weigh 700 pounds.
The only thing I can say is that if you want to get fat, you will get fat.
By the time you hit 600 pounds, you'll be too fat to lose weight without surgery. Do little or nothing and eat a lot, that is the life of those of us who are extremely obese.

How big were you before you decided to get huge?
2 years


I've always had other thoughts with Star trek and that was the food replicator. Imagine if such device was available for some gluttonous pig. He would just sit there, ordering one meal after the other till he'd nearly burst.

That would be the perfect buffet.
2 years


Belt buckles.
2 years

Impossibly obese fantasys

Mine is sitting on a bench or sofa, so fat that my belly sticks out so far that it spills over onto the floor.
2 years

Anyone else start off really small?

I started at around 135 pounds.
2 years

How many pounds do you put on during a stuffing session?

I’ll usually gain 10 pounds per month

I wish I could gain like that.
2 years

Who likes moobs?

I want mine to be at least as big as D-cup.
2 years

How to grow massive moobs ?

Well you need oestrogen, either pure or you can take Testosteron and your fat will transform it.
But keep in mind this is a permanent modification, you boobs will not go a way, only by surgery.
Plus you are gambling with you fertility…
Whitch is something you should really thing about before going down this path.

Plus getting fatter usually does the job 😉

Extra testosterone can cause bigger moobs?
2 years

Word processors

Hello all! What word processors is everyone using to write these fantastic stories? I have a ton of ideas for stories and I'd like to try my hand at this.

Are there any programs I can download for free or cheap? Any help would be appreciated.

I used Open Office. It's similar to Word, but it's free and open source.

It's also very well-supported.
2 years

Help - fat neck and sleeping/snoring

Look into getting a CPAP.
2 years