The obstacle course

After so much work and planning, it's finally here.
I have a dark fantasy of putting my fat little butterball through an obstacle course. With my feeder friends we've decided to make it happen, putting our feedees through "events" , and we've secured a space for it. I'm so happy, I can't wait to watch them struggle through it. 😈
6 years


Depending on how much you eventually people will notice, unless you stop and are able to keep it in a range, which means you could probably hide it a little by wearing the leggings and loose shirts, etc.
6 years


Thank you.
Yeah, it's a little of a challenge, but I think he's also settled in around that weight. But he has experienced some of the knee discomfort, which was a problem.
280 is quite a good size.
6 years


I think that is too much for him. At his current weight, he s just right.
6 years


I've been giving him a little rest, to digest his dinner, but doesn't usually get hungry during. He just can't support 300 lbs, so I have to keep him between 265-275.
6 years

Chubby cheeks

What's fascinating is how thin the rest of him is.
6 years

Can fasting help me get fatter? if so when should i eat?

Hm. Here's the thing - gaining is helped by unbalanced eating. It's all about habits. First, you have to have a schedule of eating - and then seriously disrupt it, and then eat more.
When you have a regular schedule, your body will get hungry at that time. When I work late, for example, I will get hungry around 7 or so because that's when I have dinner with the little man. You gain weight by disrupting that schedule, so perhaps not fasting per se but disrupting your schedule.
When I was fattening him up, I would take him on road trips and deliberately at times not pack enough food in the car. By the time I pulled over to a restaurant, he would overeat - a lot. So you have to play around with your eating habits.
6 years

Chubby cheeks

I'm continuing my dalliance with a man who is very thin, but who has *the* cutest plump cheeks and a weak chin and a double chin for no discernable reason. For a while it looked like he was putting on some weight, but he has since lost it. When he let slip that he had lost it, I forgot myself and said, "But can you keep those plump little cheeks? They're adorable." And he went all red.
6 years

Do you prefer your feedee dom or sub?

Nothing can compare to a soft, submissive feedee.
When I started fattening him up, I told my butterball he had to finish everything on his plate. He could take as long as he wanted, but he had to finish it all. Then I told him to lie down for a little bit after a large meal. At first I had to punish him when he got up early, but now, especially on the week-end, he goes right to sleep for an hour or so.
Watching him become more obedient over time is the true delight. Knowing how dependent he's become on food and knowing his love and obedience is parallel to his softening into a little ball of fat without any willpower whatsoever has become incredibly satisfying.
As he's gotten fatter he's also been dressing more 'modestly' - long sleeve shirts at all times and such.
If anyone has not had the joy of fattening a soft and submissive little thing, you are missing out. It's one of the greatest joys.
6 years


Post. He d oesnt like it, but he wouldn't like it at any time.
6 years