Fat fall fun....

So here's an idea...let me know if you think it's a thing or not.

With fall approaching I'm thinking about corn mazes. Wouldn't it be cool to have one for fatties and feeders? The design would be intricate, something that it would take hours to find your way out of. At every dead end there's a feeder with some kind of food that must be consumed before you can backtrack and try to find your way out. Example: a bucket of fried chicken in one, a picnic basket full of fruits and sandwiches in another, a pie eating contest in another where the participants must wait for a total of three to arrive, being teased by the feeder the entire time but not allowed to eat until 3 arrive and the contest begins, a bowl of chili and loaf of crusty bread waits at another, etc. The whole thing could come out into a dining area where a pig roast/BBQ is available for anyone who gets through too quickly and needs to top off.

Would this be something that would interest you? How much would you be willing to pay for the experience? As a feedee? As a feeder who gets to man a dead end (spending the whole day feeding any fatty that crosses your path- think about it)?
4 years

New york stuffing party

Did this happen? Or is it happening again any time soon? I'd be interested, then I'm pretty much always interested in eating.
4 years

Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

This is starting to sound like a group thang...I like it!
4 years

Any other girls who are into getting fat together with another girl?

I like the idea a lot, it's hard to find women who don't want to compete but help each other.
4 years
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