How many times have you been told to lose weight?

My endocrinologist keeps telling me to lose weight. I go back to her office tomorrow and I’m definitely bigger than I was the first time I seen her so I’m sure she’s going to tell me to lose weight again tomorrow. No one else tells me though, but my wife and I live with her parents and they’re both big, so is my wife.
3 years

Take a quiz, find out your feedee personality

The Ultimate gainer (the fat lover)
You are a gainer because you simply love fat, it is this deep inexplicable attachment to being fat that turns you on like nothing else does. You want to be as big as possible and probably have fantasies about being the fattest person on earth. You love how blubbery you get the more you grow fatter, you enjoy every little change you witness in your body from the way your belly jiggles when you get down the stairs, to how you get out of breath when you do anything to not being able to tie your shoes anymore. You are looking for someone to enjoy your growing journey with you and be as excited about your fat as you are.
It's crazy to think how accurate this is. xD I really do want to keep getting huge, I don't even have a long time goal in mind. :V
3 years

Life changes

It's been a bit more difficult to flip in bed and get out of bed since I've recently been gaining again. I also have issues bending over to pick things off the floor. My legs also have been getting tired more often, if I have to walk around a lot at work I can definitely feel them getting tired. I like my job but I wish I had a desk job. xD If I did, I'd probably be bigger than I currently am tbh.
3 years

Transgender resource recommendations

As a trans guy I tend to go to reddit and talk to fellow trans guys. I also have local groups in my area and my endocrinologist office also has resources listed on their website too.
3 years

Can you feel yourself gaining weight?

I’ve definitely been struggling to get in and out of bed lately. xD My belly keeps making it hard to also flip in bed too. I can also feel my stomach starting to hang over my waistband of my shorts. I’ve also been getting out of breath easier too.
3 years

Flabbiness and loose skin

I’m not a fan of loose flabby skin. But hey if you are then there’s nothing wrong with that!
3 years

Thoughts on body hair?

It’s up to the person. It’s your body your choice! My wife does shave every once in a while but when she doesn’t it doesn’t bother me at all.
3 years

Bmi. what's yours?

43 which means I’m in class III obesity! smiley
3 years

How to avoid a double belly?

It’s all about genetics and how your body stores fat. My wife has a double belly which I absolutely love! You could get a nice round hard belly by eating junk food since it would build up visceral fat but too much visceral fat can be very unhealthy for you. If you don’t care about health when it comes to gaining then fatten up with junk. smiley
3 years