Super massive stuffings!

Morbidly A Beast:
You ever just eat a full pound of bacon a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs for breakfast

Then somehow manage to eat 2 triple cheeseburgers an order of chicken strips and 2 shakes for lunch?

Managed that so far today still got dinner left 🐷

I would live off cheeseburgers and chicken strips if I could. That sounds like a great day.
6 months

Best part of gaining?

The best parts of gaining for me:

- The growth of my belly, with visible size increases that at one point, happened so rapidly, none of my tops would cover me

- Being stuffed all the time without restraint

- Splitting seams and popping elastic

Did you ever measure your belly before and after a stuffing session?

Many many times. With a very, very extreme three day stuffing over the Thanksgiving holiday, I measured 11 inches larger Sunday than I did Thursday morning. I think once I digested and recovered, the permanent growth was about 3 inches.
7 months

Best part of gaining?

The best parts of gaining for me:

- The growth of my belly, with visible size increases that at one point, happened so rapidly, none of my tops would cover me

- Being stuffed all the time without restraint

- Splitting seams and popping elastic
7 months

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

Last year, at the height of my gain and extreme stuffing, I managed to put on around 10 pounds a week. It's not for everyone, but it sure was fun.

How many calories a day were you eating? Jw

At the most extreme, at least 12,000 calories each day for about two months. Eventually, there were some significant health consequences, and it wasn't sustainable, but I did enjoy it while it lasted.
7 months

Showing off fat belly to athletes

Last summer, when. I was already around 350 pounds and gaining rapidly, I wore a bikini in public multiple times, and I don't mean the high-waisted ones a lot of full figured women prefer. I had two string bikinis that let my belly bulge out unrestricted. I outgrew both, sadly, and I haven't been able to find anything similar that fits me at my current size. However, I'm going on a honeymoon at the end of the year, and I'm hoping to have one made so I can, quite literally, let it all hang out.
7 months

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

Last year, at the height of my gain and extreme stuffing, I managed to put on around 10 pounds a week. It's not for everyone, but it sure was fun.
7 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

I have no hard data, but it seems to me that the people most likely to go out of control are those who stuff to the point where they can't take a deep breath once a week or more

Morbidly A Beast:
I am confusion do you mean that in the literal sense or the figurative sense

Extreme feeder here. This is an actual thing people do. I've stuffed my feedees and playmates to this point many times. Mind you I prefer masochistic feedees to general gluttons. My partner loves it when I stuff him until he can hardly breathe and is pinned to the bed with how stuffed he is.

Not everyone stuffs to that point because they are masochists. Some are legitimately that greedy. Others have a more competitive mindset and want to push their capacity.

You can come back from this, but it's hard. You need the desire to stop as well as having a good support system.

Honestly, I'd say I'm probably a masochist, a glutton, and a competitive eater.

I LOVE stuffing until my midsection is so bloated I can't move, and I can't sit upright because of how full I am. More times than I can count, I've eaten until my sides hurt and my skin is sore. For me, this sensation is erotic and addictive. It's what I miss most now that I'm not in active gaining mode.

I also just like to eat. I enjoy food, and I usually want more of it than what I have available. For that reason, for the very brief time in my life I was under 200 lb as an adult, I didn't enjoy saying no to food. Hence, the weight came back with a vengeance.

I'm Also competitive with myself. When I was was regularly eating two large pizzas, I couldn't help but feel like that wasn't much. I pushed myself to finish three, and when I found I could achieve that, I added more slices of a fourth. I've done the same with burgers, and with counting calories in general. My highest calorie count ever was last Thanksgiving, and the competitive part of me wants to challenge that, but I know I gained A LOT of weight from it, And that's not part of the current plan.

To an extent, I feel like I have such a drive to eat and be fat, I'm probably not as big as I'll ever be. If I could be sure I would maintain mobility, I would 100% go for another 100 lb. It's just not feasible currently.
7 months

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Maintaining as an extreme stuffer who gained rapidly is very hard. Last year, I put on enormous amounts of weight over very short, intense time spans. My everyday intake would easily have been classified as an extreme stuffing, and my extreme stuffings were often between 20,000 and 30,000 calories. Slowing down my gain is probably the hardest thing I ever did, because I lost so much mobility, exercise was next to impossible at one point. I've since built back up some strength, but I'm 35 lb over my goal weight, and at least once a day, I think about how I long to be so packed with food, my entire body feels swollen and tight. It's an addicting sensation. Maybe later this year, I'll do a super stuffing again, but it's a slippery slope!
7 months

Strength training as an obese person

I'm a big girl... Currently around 533. I don't want to lose weight, but I do want to improve my health. I have been walking with my dog, and I'm up to 1.6 miles a day, broken up into four walks. I take my time going down my block, which is .2 of a mile and then back. I'm slow, but I get there! I should mention that, last September, I couldn't even walk from the car into a grocery store. My fiance had to go get a scooter for me.

Having had good results with walking, as far as a major reduction in physical pain, I decided to add dumbbells. I've been able to increase what I can lift, and my shoulder pain is much less. I wanted to add ankle weights to do slight leg lifts while sitting. Unfortunately, my ankle circumference is just too big. I'm planning to buy a step machine (marketed primarily to seniors) that can be used while sitting.

Adding again, that I have no desire to shed pounds, other than perhaps to get back to what I consider my ideal weight of 525. I see this as a way to stay fat, while minimizing mobility related consequences.

Any other super heavy folks around here who find ways to stay modestly active?
7 months

Eating lard?

Just a heads up, all other comments aside about nausea and health risks, you're going to get really bad loose stools. Like "bring a change of pants" bad. I mean you might be able to pair it with foods that slow intestinal motility (foods low in fiber) but I don't know if it's worth the risk above maybe a spoonful for funsies now and then.

ya just like eating a stick of butter you'll get the runs, n sometimes not know when its gunna ex ate six of butter n was sent home from work for well shitting her pants..

If you ever get a bottle of mineral oil, you'll see it doubles as a laxative. The same goes for all forms of fat consumed in high quantities. It's honestly better to cook with lard instead of eating a whole bunch of it.

Oh, at some point in my gains, I tried vegetable oil, olive oil, shortening, and butter. Let me strongly caution against ALL of this. Why? Because you will defecate randomly and uncontrollably, and it will continue for days. And it won't be pretty or easy to clean. Take it from me, do yourself a favor, and find another way.
7 months