Fat does not cause heart disease

Researchers come out with all kinds of theories, and then they prove each other wrong. How many times do you hear the phrase, "researchers once believed..." There may be a big correlation between fat and heart disease, but not necessarily a causation. But whatever causes one may cause the other. Example: eating a lot of fats can make you fat and give you heart disease. But being fat is not the cause of heart disease. Or, more likely being sedentary can cause obesity and heart disease. You never know.
4 years

What is going on with new members?

The latest new member listings are almost all underweight women wearing scanty clothes showing off their ribs sticking out. They are from a variety of countries, most of whom have few members here. While underweight women are welcome here, it seems like a very strange situation.
4 years

Is it possible to remain healthy but still get fat?

Being fat does not guarantee a short life. Neither does being thin guarantee a long life. But, depending how fat and how you gain, it is likely to be less healthy at a higher weight.
4 years

The words obesity and obese is now a slur?

Idiot and imbecile used to be medical terms, until they were used as insults.
4 years

Anyone in philadelphia?

There are actually 1,584,138 people in Philadelphia.
4 years

Why are women increasingly becoming overweight?

Women are more judged by their appearance than men. Plus, on the average, women are shorter than men which makes the weight more obvious.
4 years

10000 calories a day challenge

Whats the point?
Its not going to make you gain weight that will stick and just make you get severe indigestion.

I agree. If you are going to gain weight, you may as well enjoy the eating that goes along with it.
4 years

Bk's impossible whopper has 18 million times the estrogen of a reg whopper

It says you have to eat 28 burgers a week to get breasts.
4 years

Gf don't want to gain

If you don't want to be outside of a feedee relatonship, you need to be honest with every woman you date. The women should know that any relationship with you would require her to gain weight. And even then, there is no guarantee that she can or will keep the weight on and adding more.
4 years

600 lb- vanilla hippo is one of the stars

I personally cannot watch those kinds of shows. I hate hearing people how miserable they are being fat, and I hate to see people lose weight. (until they regain more.)
4 years