What were the earliest signs of your fetish?

Growing up in an Italian family, there was always a big emphasis on overeating during holidays and on special occasions with my aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members. We would all eat until we were ready to burst. It was pure gluttony and overindulgence. Watching my aunts and female cousins stuff themselves and their bellies expand fueled my adolescent sexual fantasies. I soon found myself more and more attracted to chubby girls in junior high and high school. Watching a chubby girl eat and seeing her gain weight over time in high school turned me on more and more. It is probably how I developed my feedee tendencies. As I grew older, fatter women became more appealing until now, I find women in the 250 to 400 lb. range my personal favorites and I can't get turned on unless I think about fat women or getting fat myself.
7 years

What ideas turn you on?

I am wet just reading all these....but it has always been my fantasy to find someone (preferably Male but would love the idea of a ssbbw) who is extremely large already and wants to gain, but also have sexual dominance.
THinking of:

Rubbing my pussy all over your huge belly while i hand feed you cake, then have you eat the cake off my pussy

laying you back so i can find your dick, and letting you funnel feel frosting while i suck you dry from below

you licking peanut butter, honey, icing, syrup, ANYTHING off my pussy

having you so helpless that you need me to do everything-clean, bathe, feed, please you-but you enjoy this

Basically some Jaba the hut scenario, where i'm the sexy Leia, and my pussy drips wet everything i get to feed or please you.

so any ladies/gents willing??

Oh God I would love to experience all of this. Just reading it turns me on beyond belief.
7 years

Do any guys want a female body ?

Sounds good to this older dude. Especially the part about being a total food, sex and masturbation addict.
8 years

Do any guys want a female body ?

Finally Fat:
I'm all guy but I love how my fat is softening me up making me feel as good as my wife.

Yeah, fat feminizes me and my new fat is blowing my ass, hips and belly out. It's like there's always a fat chick around who loves being felt. I can't stop loving all this fat.

Fat women turn me on. My fat feels like all the women I fattened. I'm making myself feel like a fat woman.

That's just the fact of fattening, it's a chick thing. When guys get basketball fat it's grotesque. Ick. I hate hairy basketball bellies. (shudder)

I think I'm getting pretty fat. I want to do it tastefully, after all I'm 63. No stupid speedo shots from me. I'm just about fat.

Love your post above. Could not have said it better. While I have very large moobs and a huge belly, my butt and thighs are very thin for someone who weighs 280 lbs. Would love to have soft, fat thighs that rub together when I walk and a round, very fat butt like most fat women.
8 years

I want to stuff someone so big

Jinx Cole:
I guess this would be a feeders version of the chat topic "I want to stuff so that..."

I want to stuff someone so much that their belly expands with so much food that they are completely helpless under the weight of that food filling them. I would have them keep eating until they couldn't swallow any more food from the shear about that has been packed into their belly. After all that I would lovingly rub their belly telling them how good of a job they did until they fall asleep in a food coma. ^\\\^

Would love to experience this so much. By a female feeder who gets ever more aroused by my continued fattening.
8 years

What do you like about gaining?

SSBBW Lover:
The fat sexuality is what it's about for me. The fatter I get, the hornier I am. I actually get turned on looking at pictures of myself. It's difficult to get an erection any more unless it's about fat, then I can't get it down!

Exactly the same for me. Could not have said it better.
8 years

Apple or pear shape?

I can be turned on by both, but given a preference I love apple shaped. Just love a woman with large breasts and a big full belly that bulges out well beyond them, spilling over the front and sides of her tight jeans.
8 years

Where do you carry most of your fat?

Most of the weight is in my breasts and belly. My "moobs" are amazingly large and soft.
8 years

What do you like about gaining?

I like everything about it. Indulging in food, letting go, getting and feeling fat, being lazy, outgrowing clothes, jiggling all over, getting turned on...

Exactly the same for me. I love to eat and the sensation of being completely stuffed and knowing I have added some more weight. Watching my breasts and belly get bigger, softer, fatter really turns me on. Everything about fat is sexually arousing.
8 years

First pubic fat shaming :(

I have had this happen quite often where some of my guy friends will pat my big belly and say "Man your looking healthy" or "You are packing on a few". I just respond that "Yes I am. As you know I love to eat". I have to admit this turns me on a bit and can be a little hurtful at the same time. It is amazing to me that in a country where 75% of the population is overweight or obese and growing heavier all the time, people still need to comment on someones weight. Really?
8 years