Weight gain powder

Ditzygirl wrote:
I would just take a 1/2 gal of ice cream and let it melt and pour it in a glass and drink it before I went to bed.

Never saw this done before but seems easy enough and sure to add weight fast.
10 years

Belly on legs

It's hot to see this in the car with the vibration jiggling the belly and thighs. Have you ever noticed that while driving?
10 years

Skinny girlfriend getting fat

ThePaladin wrote:
Dude, I think she might know and is baiting you.

A very likely scenario.
10 years

New here and to gaining

If the hubby likes it and you like it, then it's a no-brainer! You will also find great tips and encouragement here. Welcome!
10 years


What good is a relationship based solely on a fetish? Both parties will get tired of the lack of compatibility in other areas and it will fail.
10 years

Skinny girlfriend getting fat

You may want to reward her by caressing her belly and thighs often.
10 years

Recommended meals

Consider foods and beverages high in calories and sugar or carbs. Eat large portions and snacks in between meals. Keep tempting foods in the car or elsewhere for convenience.
10 years

New job, new me!

Keep up the good "work"! Glad you're enjoying it and being yourself.
10 years

Closet feeder

Just feed him and gauge his reaction to the results over time. You'll find out how receptive he is to gaining without starting an awkward conversation.
10 years

Question for the guys

The bikini wearer exudes confidence.
10 years