Feeder; a love story

Admin Mode: Just a reminder to everyone to please remain courteous to each other thank you. smiley People are not obligated to introduce themselves/etc, but neither should people argue/discuss such disagreements out in the forums. As the first parts of the Complaints Procedure go:

Step 1: Ignore the offending user
This is the simplest and most immediate way to deal with any situation. If you’re arguing in a forum, don’t answer back. If you’re in chat, hit ignore.

Step 2: Offer a compromise or an apology
Let the steam out of the situation. Be a grown-up and make the first positive gesture. And mean it—use positive, conciliatory language.

If the topic continues to be derailed by argument it will instead end up locked. Please relax, and thank you for listening. smiley
13 years

Fat fetish community flag

Admin Mode: Just a reminder for people to keep discussion civil thank you. smiley
13 years

Pancake day !

Well, I'm happy that it's finally Pancake Day, yes, Pancake Day, that is, P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Pancake Day. Pancakes for everyone. smiley

13 years

My rant on closet fa's

canadianenglish wrote
Not to be overtly controversial, but I felt the admin was overzealous in the first place. Internet forums are a contact sport, not sure the value of having the thread in the first place if it has to stay strictly on rails.

Topics are certainly not kept strictly on rails, as one will notice around the General forum itself (fantasyfeeder.com/cms/forum/viewthread.php <- there's a good example. smiley), but roughly two whole pages discussing the conduct of another member of the site instead of the main topic isn't really appropriate, whether they are good posts, or not good posts. And yes, I am aware that Dazed himself continued talking about it too, as I noted, he is not to continue it either. But that is that, so carry on all.
13 years

Grrrrrrr.....(bit of a rant)

canadianenglish wrote
skinnybrit84 wrote
Yes I am sure his 7 years in medical training, and god know how many in practice, didn't in anyway come into play when assessing your past, current or possible future medical history....

That's kind of like saying no commercial airline pilot has ever crashed a plane due to negligence. Just because a person is well trained does not make them infallible.

Precisely, or we wouldn't have stories about incompetent doctors accidentally killing or permanently damaging patients anywhere in the news. Dr Jayant Patel anyone?


Patel is also alleged to have shown a poor regard for hygiene with claims that he responded to a nurse's concern over his unwashed hands with "doctors don't have germs". Patel is linked to at least 87 deaths out of the 1,202 patients he treated between 2003 to early 2005, 30 of whom died while under his care in Bundaberg. Hospital staff have also accused Patel of altering medical records to hide mistakes.
In June 2010, Patel was convicted of 3 counts of manslaughter and one case of grievous bodily harm, and sentenced to seven years in jail.

Perhaps an extreme example, but it is proof that they are not all infallable despite their lengthy experience. Luckily, we can count on the vast majority of them to be competent, at least.
13 years

Dating slim girls - advice

chubbyhoney wrote
This sort of thing pops up all the time on the forums. In a nutshell: stop dating her.

This. She's highly unlikely to stop losing, and if you find it a 'huge turn-off' and it really bothers you, you may as well let it go now, really. smiley The feelings will just get worse as time goes on, otherwise.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Admin Mode: Alright, this is unlocked now, everyone please keep to the original topic at hand rather than discussing the topic of Dazed (this goes for Dazed himself too), or it'll end up locked permanently next time.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Given how heated it's getting, I'm locking this for awhile until people cool down more.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Dazed wrote
I am try to give all of you a perspective, that is all, your attempts to verbally knock me down a peg are both un-need and spit on the fundemental values of this site, which is to gather a fat-admiring commun. free of critique. You may disaggree with me, I accept that, but you dont need to call me something im not, I take personal pride in how I treat others and have been comended many times for it.

Then don't call yourself a closet FA if you aren't one, Dazed. >_<; As I said:

You're only a closet FA if you hide someone you love in the closet or if you make negative remarks about bigger people to fit in. If you don't do these, then you aren't a closet FA. Period.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Dazed wrote
well i have never dated a bigger women... also i never even remotely mention anything you carelessly generalized.... If i love a women, I would tell them so. no matter what... I know ur frustrated, but there are two sides to a coin.

Dazed wrote
haha i am niether loathing or have ever let another suffer in my stead. I chose the way I go about my preferences, just like you. So your attempt to put me in the partime fat-hater group is both false a nieve, sire

So... are you a true closet FA or not? smiley If you don't run around shouting from the rooftops that you're an FA, it... doesn't mean you're in the closet, you know. FA's rarely do that either. They just live their life and do whatever as usual, not letting the worries cross their mind.

You're only a closet FA if you hide someone you love in the closet or if you make negative remarks about bigger people to fit in. That, is the kind of people we're talking about. If you don't do any of that, I think you may have confused yourself with an identity that isn't good at all.
13 years