My rant on closet fa's

Dazed wrote
Because at this point this is a fantasy to me, which all you have to understand, this site is called fantasy feeder for a reason. When fantasy meets reality, sometimes negitive results can occur.

I will also reaffirm that the 'Fantasy' part of Fantasy Feeder primarily refers to more than just being with a bigger girl/guy. smiley If you get together with someone that's bigger, don't hide them, and don't look back. You won't regret it. The scorn of others will fade away, but love can last a long, long time. Don't forget that either.

canadianenglish wrote
This boils down to what I wrote a few weeks back in the thread "Pep Talk" and got roundly criticized for by the male contingent, perhaps because I didn't nail the point in that thread.

And also a reminder to people not to fight about what happened in that particular thread, thank you. It was closed for a reason and it would be a shame to see that argument cause this topic to close too. smiley
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

OniGumo wrote
I'm probably not qualified to have an opinion on closetted/un-closettedness as, being a gainer, I've not "come out of the fridge" as the expression goes.

Hiding being a gainer is a bit different though, that's just concealing a sexual fetish rather than concealing an entire person/BBW/BHM from one's friends/family. smiley
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

JustinNasty wrote
As long as keep things civil I dont think itll get locked... no flamers please!!!

Indeed, just a reminder from myself for people to remain civil to each other, thank you. smiley
13 years


Yeah, this isn't turning out well. Thread locked.
13 years

Kind of a cool idea

sethman wrote
Um, given that this is a sexual fetish site, I'd say the concept borders on prostitution.

Pretty much, which is why this is getting locked.
13 years

In the end...

I quite agree. smiley A good and meaningful song, too.
13 years

Something nice thread

Is very warm and has a great sense of humour.
13 years