Guys and girls gaining weight

Good question, it is something i've often wondered too, my small excuse for a belly is soft enought atm, but it seems that guys tend to develop hard fat, or their fat becomes more solid as they get older...

I've always admired the more feminene soft layers and rolls of fat which girls tend to accumulate and would love some of my own...

(not that i'm interested in being female, i'm quite comfortably male, i just like soft fat! ^^)
14 years

No more fakeing!!.

lol, dw mate, we all have been there (well most of us who weren't always big) anyways, don't be to hard on yourself and i agree, try something a lil more enjoyable to help you gain, no point eating something fattening if it is going to feel like a chore every day, getting fat should be fun!
14 years

Shaved belly??

eagledancer wrote
Maximum wrote


thank you misty, i was worried all girls liked hairless guys which is very hard for me... lol


Hey Sweetie--the trick is--if you just start REALLY gaining weight, your admirers will be looking at your new pudge, not your fuzz smiley (hint hint hint)

lol, is the prospect of a fatter me really that enticing? If only I could find some girls who felt the same way...

It will happen, good things come to those who wait smiley
14 years

Shaved belly??

mistywilmot wrote
I'm really not into guys shaving their body hair. I prefer guys to be natural, but you shouldn't do things like that for other people! If you like to shave, then do it. smiley


thank you misty, i was worried all girls liked hairless guys which is very hard for me... lol

14 years

Had my first "hey im getting fat" moment

luvpears wrote
You should take your friend out on some eating escapades. She'll get fat, you'll get fat. Everyone wins.

I concur with the above statement, sounds like a perfect opportunity!

14 years