Need a male feeder

Moved to Weightgain.
13 years

Favorite flavor milkshake?

Vanilla. Though I like caramel sometimes too.
13 years

Ladies, your oppinion?

XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote
This sortof deaves into the thing on FA's thinking we owe them something bc were fat. Whcih completely offends me. was I in the right telling this guy off?

Yes, he was an arrogant fool full of self-entitlement, unable to have any empathy for you whatsoever, and he needed an appropriate punishment for his stupidity. You gave him that.
13 years

Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

Is it ethical for me to be an FA?/Is it wrong of me to feel attracted to fat women?

Heavens no! smiley Just look at all the women here that are happy with their fat! I know you got burnt, and it can leave quite a mark on you, but don't let the opinion of one woman that was unhappy with her body put you off being an FA- listen to the ladies here instead. smiley

Do I have to tell them that I am a fat admirer or can I just lie and write off my relationships with fat women as due to the "blindness of love?" How do I move forward and make this work?

Do as you want, though I would suggest honesty. Some women will respond positively, some negatively. That's how life is. But for the opposite end of the spectrum that you haven't experienced, I would suggest listening to all the women here that are very happy being fat and having guys attracted to them.
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

chubbyhoney wrote
Oh come on boys, it's not rocket science! Just talk to us like we are normal human beings

This. smiley
13 years

Ask the girls/women!

tummyhunter wroteHowever, considering my ISeekU clearly answers all those questions, so if people are going to bug me they should READ IT D8<

Unfortunately, they're likely to say "lol, don't have to read ISeekU's, this is the internet, not English class smiley" in response. smiley
13 years


The differences can be found here:

Generally, jams are pulpy, whereas jelly has the pulp removed. That's the main difference.

Jam contains both fruit juice and pieces of the fruit's (or vegetable's) flesh, however some cookbooks define jam as cooked and gelled fruit (or vegetable) purees. Properly, the term jam refers to a product made with whole fruit, cut into pieces or crushed. The fruit is heated with water and sugar to activate the pectin in the fruit.

Jelly is a clear or translucent fruit spread made from sweetened fruit (or vegetable) juice and set using naturally occurring pectin. Additional pectin may be added where the original fruit does not supply enough, for example with grapes. Jelly can be made from sweet, savory or hot ingredients. It is made by a process similar to that used for making jam, with the additional step of filtering out the fruit pulp after the initial heating.

And of course, gelatin desserts are known as jello in America and Canada and jelly elsewhere:

* In many of the Commonwealth Nations, gelatin desserts are called jelly.
* In the United States and Canada, gelatin desserts are called jello (a generic name based on the brand name Jell-O) or gelatin.
13 years

*knocking up* fetish?

jsmithy wrote
I’ve got more than a knocking up fetish; I’m ready to do it. My wife of ten years wants everything planed. First car, college account. Certain amount of income and so on. For the past ten years the conditions have not been ideal, she wants a baby but is not sure the time is right. This has gone on for years. She is on birth control and I need someone to help me figure out a plan to get her pregnant. If it isn’t her than ill find someone else who has the same desire.

So essentially you want someone to help you plot how to trick your wife into getting knocked up when she doesn't want to be right now? Dude, not cool. Even if you have this fantasy, you still need to respect your partner's wishes, even if it frustrates you. And what do you mean precisely by 'someone else who has the same desire', BTW?
13 years

Acid reflux

Drinking water when eating fatty foods can help too, it breaks up the fat in the stomach so you can digest it better. Be careful with any exercise that shakes your stomach around too. I suffer from it also and I mostly resort to walking to get excess energy out of me rather than risk an attack.
13 years