Weight gain powder

Whats the point?

(lol and don't say to gain weight smiley)

But honestly, in my musings on gaining weight, i fail to see the need for weight gain powder.

Firstly, if your a feedee why would you want to gain weight with powder which could be gained by eating so much more? I thought if you like food so much you would want to eat as much of it as possible, not substitute it for a supliment.

Secondly, perhaps fat is more important to u then food and eating (i can totaly relate) But doesn't it feel like more an acheivement to know that all the fat you gain is food you actually consumed rather then some fat drink?

Thirdly, isn't it healthier to eat your way into obesity instead of mixing with chemicals? I know its not really fattening stuff but body building protein mix (i don't see why a company would manufacture a product purely to get people fat, unless a reach feeder started it! smiley) But isn't it unhealthy to fill your body with unatural materials be it for getting fat or getting buff?

I've come to the conclusion that as much as i love the idea of gaining and getting fat, i would never do it through weight gain powder or other such methods. I prefer the idea that every roll of flab that i gain which wobbles on my body is from the varied and many foods, feasts and meals i have consumed!


But i would love to hear your thoughts too, so to the original question... whats the point?

Max Out

14 years

Target the fat

Chubber wrote
blitzkrieg wrote
All I know is keep her stress free and less weight will go to the belly.

Exactly the reason I torched the house.


touche my friend, touche...
14 years

Favorite fat feature besides belly?

lol wasn't there already a thread about the lovelyness of a pair of fat thighs? smiley

But yeah, aside from those *drools* and the belly, what more is there?

though add in love handles, hips, buttocks, breasts, cheeks, chins, etc...

hmmm, nope, favourite is still thighs, if i have a pair of fat thighs to massage and touch in my hands i am a happy guy!

Max Out

14 years

How would you decorate your mad scientist lab?

Buffetbelly wrote
lovely_plumper wrote
Buffetbelly wrote
Sounds like I should rent out my lab scientist lab to interested feeder and feedees. It could happen --there are BDSM dungeons in every major city. Imagine if you could arrive to find a lab freshly scrubbed and stocked with your feedees favorite items, and a special patented formula gainer shake in the ceiling-mounted dispenser....

alright how much an hour then smiley

Fully funded by grants from the Lane Bryant corporation and the makers of Fatty Scooters!

this my friend is a BRILLIANT idea, quick go out and do it before someone steals it!
14 years

'do i go for it'?

*raises hand*

exactly what you guys have all talked about, been tossing this up for the last couple of months since i joined here, but getting pretty serious about it these days, i just don't want to do something i'll regret, but the desire to be fat is starting to outweigh that fear...

lol (pun intended)

Maybe we should all help each other? start a gaining group and encourage each other when one of us have any doubts, and compete with how much we can gain, would deffinetly make the whole process more fun knowing i'm sharing the experience with others, just an idea though...

Max Out

14 years