Pokemon! ^_^

Oddity wrote

I most definitely agree. smiley Venusaur FTW.
14 years

Pokemon! ^_^

I have Pearl, and I'm going to get Soul Silver soon to play through(since I got Gold last time 'round). I'll probably get through Platinum at some point after SS, maybe.
14 years


I don't really care much about body hair on women... they can do what they want really, it's their body.

Well, admittedly, I don't like under-arm hair, and I remove my own(along with any facial hair, which I hate). But aside from that I'm happy enough either way. smiley And I don't really want to tell them what to do with their hair anyway.
14 years

Your star sign

I use this website for calculating astrology, myself, due to some of the other planets involved and included: astro.cafeastrology.com/cgi-bin/astro/natal

A few other things I'll point out:

1) If daylight saving was in effect in your country during the time of your birth, ignore it and calculate your birth-time as if it didn't exist. It can interfere with the accuracy of your ascendant and anything else which relies on time.

2) It is not advised that you let astrology put you off dating a person of a certain sign. People can fall on the more positive variant of a sign, or the more negative variant of a sign (or a bit of both). One Leo can be lovely, warm and generous, and another Leo can be a highly arrogant moron. A bad experience with an individual from a sign is not an indication that they'll all be like that.

3) By the same token, people with incompatible Sun Signs may in fact be quite well suited for each other, due to the other planets clicking with each other. A fiery Aries and a sensitive Cancerian may have Mercury's allowing them to communicate well, Venus's which allow them to love similarly, and Mars's that click quite well in desire and in bed. smiley So don't forget check what a person has under the hood- planet wise. smiley

Then there are Cusps. Being born close to another Sun Sign can mean that sign has influences over you. The Cusp date ranges being approximately:

Pisces-Aries March 19-24
Aries-Taurus April 19-24
Taurus-Gemini May 19-24
Gemini-Cancer June 19-24
Cancer-Leo July 19-25
Leo-Virgo August 19-25
Virgo-Libra September 19-24
Libra-Scorpio October 19-25
Scorpio-Sagittarius November 19-24
Sagittarius-Capricorn December 19-25
Capricorn-Aquarius January 17-22
Aquarius-Pisces February 16-22

Having aspects of another Sun Sign influencing you can alter your compatibilities and personalities from those of the vanilla Sun Sign. A Sagittarius close to Capricorn will not be as jovial, and a Capricorn close to Sagittarius will not be as serious. You should probably count yourself as one side or the other, though- I'm still certainly a Sagittarius even with the influences of Cap'. smiley
14 years

Howard stern defends anti-fat/showbiz tirade on 'precious' star


Howard Stern has defended his fierce attack on Precious star Gabourey Sidibe, after describing the budding actress as "the most enormous, fat black chick I've ever seen".

The US radio host first ridiculed Sidibe during his Sirius satellite show on Monday (local time) while discussing the Oscars award ceremony the previous night.

"Everyone's pretending she's a part of show business and she's never going to be in another movie," Stern said.

"She should have gotten the Best Actress award because she's never going to have another shot."

Sidibe, 27, earned an Oscar nomination for her acting debut in Precious, the story of an abused teenager struggling to grow up in Harlem.

Even Oprah Winfrey, who gave effusive praise to Sidibe on her talkshow, came in for drubbing.

"Oprah's another liar, a filthy liar," Stern said.

"She's telling an enormous woman the size of a planet that she's going to have a career."

Sidibe is actually already committed to a few acting projects. She will appear opposite Laura Linney in the TV series The C Word and her next big-screen role will be in the drama Yelling to the Sky.

Stern defended his ribald comments on his radio show this morning, claiming he meant to draw attention to obesity in the US.

No surprises from him here. =/
14 years

Your star sign

Forest wrote
The sun sign isn't everything though. Got to count in the ascendant, what sign is in the moon and - yeah.

Yes! smiley Well, overall I think the Sun sign is still the most important since it flavours everything about a person, but everything else tweaks a person a bit.

Ascendant: This flavours the person's exterior, their physical appearance, how they appear to others, the impression they give to others, like the shell of a Jaffa.
Moon: This flavours a persons emotions.
Mercury: This flavours a person's communication and methods of communicating.
Venus: This flavours a person's romantic feelings and how they romance.
Mars: This flavours a person's temper and sexual nature, and their drives and passions in general.

So, for example, while a person might be like a Cancerian, they could have the outwards impression and looks of an Aries, the emotions of a Taurus, the communication of a Gemini, the romantic nature of a Leo, and the temper, passion, and sexual drive of a Scorpio. Though Cancer will flow through all of these, being the Sun Sign. In this way, everyone is ultimately an individual, though we will share more than a few things with others of our Sun Sign.

The outer planets aren't as important in defining a person's personality as all of these. Also, given their slow orbit many people share them, so they affect generations more than individuals, you might say, so I don't pay as much heed to them, though they can be interesting to look into sometimes.
14 years