When kids point out you're fat

My nieces and nephews are getting to the age of noticing stuff. Could I get some advice on answering uncomfortable questions like "Why are you so fat?", "Are you going to have a baby?", "Am I going to get fat?".
2 years

Airplane seats, when are you too big

Just catch the eye of an attendant and make a buckling motion with your hands. Someone will get you an extension before rollback.
2 years

Fat bomb

Just visited. That fat bombing article sounds wonderful! Unfortunately, my wife hates just olive oil. I'm curious if I could mix it into a tasty shot...

Try mixing a shot of oil with some lethicin in something else. This will break up the oil so ut can be digested easier.
2 years

How to like heavy cream?

Add a flavored syrup of the sort made by Torani for flavoring coffee and making Italian sodas.
2 years

How fat would you like to be?

At least 500 pounds.
2 years

What is your goal weight?

355 pounds by year's end and 400 pounds by end of next year.
2 years

When did you become extremely obese?

When I stopped worrying about my weight and surpassed 300lbs at the age of 20, today I am 740lbs.
There are not many details to give, obese people like me do nothing, they just eat and we are comfortable at home with someone who helps us gain weight.
If I did not have my husband to help me gain weight, I would not have reached this weight.
Today I am almost immobile, I no longer do anything and I don't go out of my house much.

What was the fastest you gained?
2 years

What kind of scale is better? digital or dial?

I like a good analog one, no batteries needed and easy to read. E.g. www.hammacher.com/product/easy-read-analog-scale

Digital may be better for electronically tracking your gain, but I have my doubts. You either have to fuss with a clunky, small-device user interface that will probably lose all your data when the batteries fail, or deal with connectivity problems if you find a bluetooth device. I find it easier to log things in a notebook.

The main trouble I've seen with non-electronic scales is that it's very hard to find consumer grade ones that go much past 300 pounds. That one taps out at 330.
2 years


...mine are pretty big...my ex girlfriend liked to play with 'em a lot...kinda dug it, not gonna lie haha...

How big?
2 years