Things that terrify you?

JustinNasty wrote
Just out of boredom and my own slight terror, wanted to start a thread about things that REALLY scare you...

None of this spiders, snakes, feet, axe murders business.

For example- Im literally TERRIFIED of being forgotten when Im gone, so I want to do something amazing one day to change the world for a greater good so Ill be remebered. Im also scared of losing my own goals and personal happiness trying to please the rest of the world and conform to others...

No criticizing each other please, just confess some fears and leave it at that smiley


We are ridiculously too much alike... Are you my brother? You and Shake make me think I was switched up at birth because my brothers a total douche haha
14 years

Eating on the toilet

PorkChop133 wrote

its like a zombie thread, shoot in the head!

Might be a Dead Space zombie/creature...
Shoot it's limbs while you're at it
14 years

Tips for aproaching single women

softissexy wrote
It works just not for armatures. It doesn't mean you want to take em home and have sex it means your interested in them sexually, like teasing her and smacking her in the ass is less offensive lol some chicks take offense anyways to see your reaction and how you handle them. So *** it be yourself be conscious they'll let ya know if your interested just watch for the body language or other simple hints

Well, I didn't mean to do those things right off the bat when meeting her, just some things you should do to show you like her sexually while you are seeing her after a while so she doesn't pull out the whole "do you think I'm ugly?" or something along those lines.

When I first meet a girl I'm interested in, I just flirt, look her in the eyes sexually with a smirk, laugh, joke, etc... I really don't think the meeting and picking up is hard really...but I have a good bit of confidence usually.
14 years