As a guy who prefers "moderately large" ladies the most (by FA standards at least), in the range of 200-300 pounds, I still can find very thin and much larger women attractive, as style and personality matters me more than just raw weight. However, my dating experience is only with thin, or with at most about 300 pounds girls.
Lately I've been fascinated with the thought of dating a woman who is much larger than the size range I've been used to, even 500 lbs or more. I've never met someone this big in real life, there aren't really many 300+ lbs in my area, but from online photos and videos I learned that it is possible for me to find even a woman above 500 lbs super attractive.
However, due to my lack of experience with sizes this big, I'm interested in some advice. How should I prepare, what should I look out for, if it so happens that I find someone in the 450-500 lbs or higher category, so I don't cause embarrassment for myself or for her? The more obscure and unexpected the advice, the better. I'm not a complete idiot, so of course I know not to invite her to a difficult hike, or to any activity which would be tiring for her or too difficult for her to navigate. So I'm looking for advice from those who are of that size or have dated someone of that size, and know what people inexperienced with such sizes don't expect.
Letters And Numbers:
I think you’re going to get a bunch of responses which are different variations on “talk to and especially *listen to* the person you’re dating”. I can’t imagine there’s much more to say, but if there is, please be respectful on both sides.
These are the same questions you ask when you get a pet.
Thank you, this is the vibe I was getting but I couldn't find the words.
When you meet someone, and get to know them to the point where you're *dating* them, I don't think a thread like this should be necessary. You already know them. You should be communicating with them. If you're not, and you feel like there's a real communication breakdown, ask yourself why. Work on a foundation of respect, and all the things Munchies, said, and I'm sure the rest will come naturally.