The weight is slowing me down

After gaining almost 150 lbs so far, I can tell you I notice it!

I feel a LOT slower. I walk with my feeder/partner every night for over an hour to get some exercise, and she notices it too. We don't walk quite as far in that time as we used to.

Stairs are the worst, though. I used to rush up or down flights of stairs, and now I'm just trudging up and down.

And everything jiggles, which is a change that I love!
8 years

Man boobs

My moobs have grown as I've been gaining, and I'm not comfortable with them (even though my partner likes them), as they are visible through most shirts.

I have been using compression undershirts, and they sort of help. Recently I've been using a compression wrap to squish them down and compress them a little more, and it works well. Have to take it off when I get home from work, though, and let them breath, lol!

I am hoping as my belly continues to get bigger, it will make the moobs look less prominent...
8 years

Gaining: from 'fetish' to "need"?

I think the issue for me is my stretched stomach capacity. It's become a need because it just takes so much to keep this tank filled!
8 years

Healthy weight gain?

The strategy I have been following (courtesy of my feeder, who is much better versed in nutrition than I am) is to eat a large quantity of food, while staying away from the really bad stuff.

So I have little heavily processed stuff, try to avoid trans fats, easy-does-it on sodium (so not too many pre-prepared foods), not too high in the sugar content (I have a sweet tooth so this one gets broken now and then, lol), etc.

I've been staying away from weight gain shakes because they are so heavily processed, but I think I'm going to live dangerously and give 'em a try, on the recommendation of a friend...

Lots of variety is a good goal, too.

Cheers! Jay
8 years

Big burlesque shows

Toronto Canada
july 18th 9pm
Club 120
120 church street
Canadan burlesque debut

Oh my gosh! You wer doing a show in Toronto! ARGH! I missed it (I was out of town actually).

How did it go? Any chance you'll be coming back to the are (or upstate NY etc) again for another show?
8 years

Funnel feeding

This was tried on me for the first time on a long-weekend trip, this past weekend... wow... I was surprised how fast I filled up!

The concoction was basically a fancy, thick milkshake with some added stuff for flavour & calories.

Adding to the experience was that my hands were tied - which I found very erotic! But the whole process didn't take too long, because I was filled up quite quickly, which was kind of sad...
8 years

Has your partner come out as a feedist to you?

My experience was me saying: "I can't believe how much weight I've put on over the holidays. I'm going to have to start going to the gym and lose some of this fat."

My partner (now feeder) replied: "Why? I like it, don't you?"

...and a hundred pounds later, the adventure continues!
8 years


Went to the mall yesterday with Rachel, a neighbour & very good friend of mine & my feeder/wife. Some background: Rachel & my feeder are training together for a marathon later this summer. Rachel knows about our arrangement, and has been pretty supportive, even bringing her left-overs to our house for me to eat! We call her the apprentice feeder. smiley

Going through the mall, Rachel kept calling me names... When she wanted to show me something, she said, "Hey, fatty, come over here." She called me tubby and fat-boy at other times... I don't know if it showed, but I sure felt like I was blushing. I was a little turned-on too...

When we sat down in the food court I asked her to cut it out, that other people could hear her. She patted by belly and just said, "I know that, fatty!" I ordered two Grandpa burger combos for myself at A&W, but she brought me a large poutine and some cupcakes as well. When I asked her why, she revealed that my feeder had given her strict instructions! She was behind the name calling, too. Took me almost an hour to finish my lunch, and I soooo badly wanted to undo my pants. Not sure what other people thought about it (if you were at the Eaton Centre yesterday, let me know! smiley)

Rachel reported back to my wife that night and said I did very well, and the two of them continued to call me names and tease me... all in all, a fantastic day! And my first real, unexpected humiliation experience in public, and I have to be honest... I kinda loved it!
9 years

Gaining: doubled or trebled your weight?

Just keep filling out those shirts please! smiley

As per your request, I will do my best! smiley
9 years

How fat would you like to be?

My original goal was 300... now that I'm there, I'm thinking maybe I can hit 350 before the end of this year?

But 500 seems a far more interesting goal entirely!
9 years