A sensitive subject....maybe?

It really doesn't serve any purpose other than to satisfy a fetish. Science really isn't set up to fulfill fetishes.
4 years

Gender dysphoria and weight?

One thing I don't understand is why trans women try to lose weight when they start hormones. What do they think that breasts and hips are made of?
4 years

Is it immoral to feed someone who is not a feedee?

Someone who is not a feedee, but wants to gain weight sounds like a feedee to me. Unless they are underweight. But what is immoral is feeding someone without their consent. So, offering someone a candy bar is not immoral, but adding extra calories into a meal is.
4 years

Is there anyone in montreal?

There are 1,704,694 people in Montreal.
4 years

Does anyone find this hot?

I agree that it does not sound real. This probably belongs in the fiction area.
4 years

Wearing jeans under or over belly?

I LOVE low-rise hip-huggers. I wish I had the confidence to wear a nice prominent miffin-top in public. I've noticed a lot a chubbier girls where I live walk around with it hanging out like its not a thing and they dont even notice. I really want to gain enough confidence to be fat in public. I think being up around 230 lbs to 260lbs is SOOOOO beautiful. But I lack the confidence to embrace and embody my "bigger-self". Maybe someday I'll find the strength to be that girl. 😅

Do it slowly. gain 10 or 20 pounds here and there. You'll get used to it, and so will the people you know.
4 years

Negative comments

Me too. I really want to let my inner fat girl out really embrace my bigger-self but I am afraid of how people will talk about me. Mostly relations though, strangers thoughts really dont bother me. But I am afraid of how my family will treat me.

I think true feedees love negative things from friends and family, because they have noticed their gains, and their hard work gaining has been noticed.
4 years

Would feederism count as a paraphilic disorder?

It would seem that the person would gain weight with the purpose of harming themselves or another. If someone fattens someone from 110 pounds to 130, there probably would be no harm. I mean, if a person drives on a date, they are potentially increasing the risk of someone getting into an accident, and injured. There are many different risk factors.
4 years

South nj meet?

A place like Mt. Laurel would be good. Just off the Turnpike.
5 years

Dating non feedist people

i am currently trying to gain weight, but I’m not sure if my boyfriend is into it. I don’t know how to tell him that I would love for him to help me gain, I’m scared of being rejected, but I know being fatter would make me happy.

There is always a good way to find out. Joke about it, and see his reaction. If you are walking and see a BBW, say something like
, "I wonder what it is like to be that size." See his reaction
5 years