Top five places to find extremely obese people

Ironically medical offices. Every girl working there is usually a bbw

Thats a good one
1 year

Top five places to find extremely obese people

1. America
2. America
3. America
4. America
5. America

Do you have a list of places in the united kingdom where you see more fatties than normal?

Reflection Of Perfection:
I can do that.

1. Pizza Hut

2. Piccadilly Line (taking up two seats on it)

3. Asda Supercenters

4. Principality Stadium in Cardiff

5. Any fast food place

thanks for your input
1 year

Investing in fat friendly products

I`m a slim guy so everytime i come on to a fat friendly site and read about the challenges of larger people I am surprised. It seems like there are challenges for larger people when it comes to finding companies that provide fat friendly clothing, traveling/ vacation arrangements, healthcare, dating/ social communities, and sextoys/lingerie(add others if i left some out).

There are companies that appear to be entering these markets but there appears to be more market share left open particularly in providing more variety and meeting the demands of the ultra large population.

It seems like communities like this are great places to understand what the needs are for the fat community and figure out solutions. I am sure there are enterprising individuals that have created a product or service that they believe will serve the fat community better than what is currently on the market.

If that is the case then the next step is getting it into the hands of company that can produce the product on a large scale or start a company and get the capital to produce the product and set up distribution. I personally am against putting it into the hands of a large business form the beginning.

So where would you get capital from then. I suggest using crowdfunding platforms (kickstarter, gofundme) or equity crowdfunding (wefunder, startengine, republic) . Using those platforms provides for a closer relationship with the fat community. If they are willing to invest in these products then fat focused products could be owned predominately by fat or fat admiring people instead of sending money to people who don`t care about the fat community.
1 year

Are there any weight gain pills?

sounds like a potential business venture
1 year

Fat nudism/naturism

So recently a friend of mine recommended a nudist/naturist resort to me nearby, and then a week later this super nice customer of mine also recommended it to me. 😆
So I took it as a sign and decided to give it a try. I went during a big weekend long music event they were having cause I figured if im going to give it a shot I may as well jump straight in. And It was sooo chill. Liberating for sure. People were just being people. They frown on overtly sexual behavior while in the public spaces so there wasn't really much of a creeper vibe from anyone. They were all so nice and kind. It was fantastic. Im planning on getting a membership now. Lol

interesting. i wonder are there nudist communities or events that are marketed to larger people
1 year

Top five places to find extremely obese people

There was a huge gal my age who started hitting me up while we were in the hotel pool. She was bragging that she could swim so well because she was "big like a whale." That sealed the deal for me.

something about a big girl at a pool
1 year

Top five places to find extremely obese people

Theme parks!

Six Flags and Disneyworld were where I truly got attracted to fat people as a teen. So many young ladies, huge and perfectly confident in their size.

similar experience. i remember being a preteen riding on the lazy river at a water part. There was a larger lady in the float beside me wearing a two peace bathing suit. She was nice and very talkative. We bumped into each other multiple times. i just remember how her belly kind of poked out. luckily she couldnt see me sttanding at attention
1 year

Farmers the ultimate feeders

I work in agriculture or in the farming industry and i have come to realize that farmers are the ultimate feeders.

Consider producing the food that feeds everyone. Growing it knowing that it will make everyone fat.

Its also good to consider raising livestock. knowing you will make more money the fatter you make an animal.
1 year

Humiliating a fat girl

I love a fat girl whose ashamed of her belly and making her show it off in public
1 year