Being a real pig?

This is like my #1 famtasy. Being called a pig, fed like a pig, and act like a pig turns me on soo much. I am a feedee now but I want to be a piggy for someone... Their prized hog

This turns me on like crazy. I would love to have this kind of relationship with an FFA who would feed and fatten me, turning me into her own personal piggy.
8 years

Submissive males?

While I am not submissive by nature, the idea of turning myself over to a female FA who would feed and stuff me for her own sexual pleasure and get more and more turned on the fatter I became, really turns me on!
8 years

Fat humiliation

Hi :-)

Oink oink

please humiliate me I love it xxx

You blubber butt. So you don't fit into your school clothes anymore because you can't stop eating. I should bend you over my knee and spank that huge butt of yours with your brush. I bet you will go right back to stuffing your face again when I am done. You are such a fat pig!
8 years

Teasing about weight that is not really submission nor dominance.

I agree with Tubby Marie. I have a cousin whom I am very close with who is 5"4" tall and about 230 lbs. I always tell her she looks nice whenever I see her. Since we have an open relationship and she knows I like heavier women, she will sometimes say: "Thanks. I have gained XX lbs.". And my reply will still be: "You look really nice." I have told her that "You are still my favorite BBW" and she will smile and say "Your so nice" or something similar. So unless a woman likes to be teased about being fat which a number of women on this board admit to (usually best done in private however), keep the comments positive.
8 years

Ffas and big moobs

Blubberlol: I'm sorry that you've struggled, i was also ostracized and picked on because i look different. it's absolute hell, and i don't think i could live through my teen years again. also, I'm sorry some people are still being inconsiderate of your struggles.

OP: being an ffa, i absolutely LOVE moobs. i fantasize about them all the time, they're usually what i check out on large gentlemen i see (well, i guess, along with everything else), and i don't find guys attractive if they don't have them (i.e., are all belly with a relatively small chest). they are definitely a huge turn on for me!!!

I too was picked on unmercifully in grammar school and early high school about my moobs. Made being fat very tough as an adolescent. Now as an adult and being much fatter I have learned to embrace and enjoy them. So nice to hear from FFA's who really love them and are turned on by them. Makes me happy!
8 years

Does anyone else imagine a world where everyone is fat?

I have and would love to be in a world where everyone was fat. I had a real world experience of that on a smaller scale. A couple of years ago I went to an anniversary party of some close friends. They had invited 25 couples and all but 1 couple was fat or obese. I felt like I was in heaven being surrounded by so many fat men and women, drinking, eating and just enjoying gorging themselves at the buffet. At the time I felt this would be an ideal world.
8 years

Mirror obsession

Me too. Especially after a big meal. Love to look at how swollen my belly is both from the front and the side. And when I gain weight, I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror and jiggling my belly and moobs to see all the new fat I have put on.
8 years

Jekyll and hyde

Here's the thing about being obsessed, aroused and madly in love with fat, especially fat, greedy bellies: It doesn't matter who we look at or what age or gender they are. I look at men and women's gaining bellies because I admire them. With men, I look for similar heights as mine to see how big I'd look at that weight as I gain; inspiration, so to speak.
With women, regardless of age, I'm just a born sucker for a big, flabby, fat out of control belly.
People post pics here to be looked at and as long as I don't pester people I see nothing to feel guilty about. Now, let's eat!

I could not agree more with what you said and like Tubby Marie and Softly 1, I am a successful businessman (now retired), normal, a straight ahead guy, who thinks about fat and ogles bellies all day long. Like you I often look at obese men and wonder what it would be like to be that fat and have a massive belly like their own. And I just get so aroused looking at fat women with large bellies overflowing their jeans or slacks, jiggling and quivering with every step, luscious rolls encircling their waists. Being older, I really appreciate women like Tubby Marie and Softly posting on this site. I think they are beautiful and I love sharing our fetish together.
8 years

Fat people at the gym

Do any other fellow fatties enjoy going to the gym? Something about it gets me. I'm usually the only fat person in my campus gym, and it feels good to watch my fat hips wobble rhythmically next to all the toned, skinny bodies in the mirrors. I like to imagine what all the fit people are thinking as this fat cow waddles in, if they snort derisively at my muffin top peeking up from underneath my overstretched yoga pants, or scoff to one another as my pot belly bounces with each step. Or maybe one of them admires my big fat bum. I'm there for an hour or so everyday, so I wonder if the other regulars wonder how I'm still such a *** (answer, I eat like a pig). I realize that people have their own lives and probably aren't staring at me, but I just feel very sensual, moving my fat body in semi-revealing workout clothes in front of all the skinny/fit people and I like to imagine humiliating comments from others.

Does anyone feel the same? Share your fat people in the gym stories/preferences.

I work out at least 3 times a week at our fitness center run by the park district. Because it is a community center it is not like a lot of private gyms filled with young, buff people. I really enjoy seeing middle aged and older woman dressed in tight spandex work outing out on the equipment. There are several in the 300 to 400 lb. range and younger women over 200 lbs. Since I am trying to stay healthy and strong so I can comfortably carry my extra weight, I think it is great that fat women at the club are doing the same. And I have to admit I really enjoy looking at them, their luscious fat rolls quivering and bouncing with each step, there large fat hips moving from side to side, their delightful fat thighs rubbing together. I often wonder if they realize there are FAs present who really appreciate their burgeoning figures. So SMM, you are just the kind of woman I love to see at the club.
8 years

Curious to know if others fit into this category

IThat being said, I can ONLY orgasm thinking of very fat men, or being with a very fat man, and I've known fat has made me feel this way from a very young age. I think part of it is the social taboo and the contrast between me and a partner. There is literally nothing else that will turn me on other than a fat partner or a partner gaining weight. I've tried to change it, but after talking to a few psychiatrists, I've realized I need to love and accept it-fetishes don't go away! If it's legal and safe you just gotta incorporate it into your life with consent and balance.

I am exactly the same way. I can only get turned on thinking about fat women and/or getting fat myself. I have been fascinated with fat and weight gain ever since I was young and it wasn't until 25 years ago that I decided to let myself go, eat whatever I wanted and let my weight increase naturally. I found I loved growing fat and have to accept the fact that this is how I am wired. I enjoy living my life now as an FA, gainer and feedee and would not have it any other way.
8 years