Love and body types

I wonder if he makes the negative comments because he actually has the opposite feelings but not the fortitude to express them properly. After all he is your boyfriend, and is sexually attracted to you. It seems he should be confronted about this sooner rather than later. You deserve to know the truth.
10 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

Yes! Don't take any weight-loss crap from him and please keep us posted!
10 years

A journey for my master

his-to-mold wrote:
Oh MsCannibal Your so right! I love to be tipsy and stumble back into the kitchen for a bag of Lays Potato chips ...not to mention the Oreo cookies... I have a special day of stuffing planned for next week...'s my Birthday~!!! oh the joy of Birthday cake!!!

Happy belated birthday! Hope you got a big birthday cake.. Keep celebrating!
10 years

Weight gain and tattoos

rock9632 wrote:
For several years on a pay site there was a woman who had a tattoo of a (I think) propose on her belly.

As she went from about 150 to about 450 the porpoise got a lot bigger.

I believe the woman you're referencing goes by "Gaining Goddess" or some such title.

It seems her tattoo which she acquired pre-gain was of a dolphin or porpoise, but as she gained it really stretched out! There's not much telling what it's supposed to be at this point.

Another thing to keep in mind is that skin loses elasticity over time and tattoos tend to look terrible 25+ years after the fact, even without the stretching associated with a weight gain.

You may want to gain to your desired weight before deciding whether or not to apply ink. Even then think to yourself what meaning does the planned tat have to you. If it's just something cool or trendy, keep in mind styles and trends change. Ultimately, if you absolutely hate it there's always the laser.
10 years

How to gain 5 pounds

carolinelee wrote:
If you don't always eat much, you can always drink calorie-laden beverages.

Alcoholic beverages work wonders. Especially fruity cocktails loaded with sugary juices and cheap well liquor.
10 years

Fat friends influence

pizza222 wrote:
foresty wrote:
In my senior year of high school I drove two of my friends home. We would stop at 7-eleven for a slurpee and candy or mcdonalds almost everyday on the way home. One friend who was a guy stopped taking his ADD medication which gave way to his hunger and by graduation he was over 100 lbs. heavier. The other friend was a girl and she put on 45 lbs that year which made some nice belly rolls and a giant butt. In the end it was my influence on them and now they have some belly of their own.

This is so hot !! smiley smiley

10 years

To gain or not to gain

Has she noticed yet?
10 years

What is it about gaining?

Drinking is an easy way to add calories and gain weight without adding food. The purchaser has near complete control over the recipient, as it is usually considered rude to refuse.

It would be easy to cause a partner, friend, or even colleague or acquaintance to gain by treating them regularly. Not to mention this is much more socially acceptable than traditional feeding.
10 years

Gaining weight and parents

The simple solution is to pick up some part-time work. Now you'll have extra money to fund your own food and clothing purchases.

Your parents will no longer be burdened by your voracious consumption, and therefore they'll have no legitimate reason to complain.
10 years

New to the 300 lb club?

internetguy44 wrote:
Girlfriend is up to 311! She wants to do this weight loss challenge thing at work, so it looks like her hot new upper arm jiggle might not be long for this world.

Even if she drops some weight the arms usually keep jiggling. (As long as she's not doing some targeted exercise.)
10 years