Your star sign

Sagittarius, and on the Capricorn cusp too. The latter's influence is rather obvious on me, being rather less jovial and outgoing than the usual Sagittarius, with a more... serious, cynical and refined nature, though make no mistake, I am quite the warm, truthful and sometimes mischievous animal lover.

I guess you could say I'm 2/3's Sagittarius, 1/3 Capricorn, perhaps. smiley
14 years

Beautifulpeople website culls 'fatties'

A social networking site that will only let you join if you’re good-looking has culled thousands of members for getting fat over Christmas.'s strict ban on "ugly people" was extended to exclude over 5000 members who had posted photos of themselves on the site after gaining weight, the BBC has reported.

Applicants the Danish-based site are voted in based on their looks after sending in photographs of themselves to be judged by existing members.

Vigilant users of the site had reported the chubbier members of the site to recommend their exclusion from the site of 550,000.

"As a business, we mourn the loss of any member, but the fact remains that our members demand the high standard of beauty be upheld," site founder Robert Hintze said.

"Letting fatties roam the site is a direct threat to our business model and the very concept for which was founded."

The culled members were told they could reapply for membership after they had lost their extra holiday weight. They were also given details on boot camp training to help lose the pounds.

Most of banished members were from the UK, US and Canada, the site announced.

Again... not surprising, and tiresome. smiley
14 years

Bbw adult mag in borderlands

"Bigger is better" "200 pounds of oomph"- that's brilliant. =D I was already looking forward to getting the game anyway.
14 years

What's your personality type?

I am also an INFJ, and I believe that it is indeed quite accurate for me.
14 years