Anyone else hate these web ads?

lol i just pretend it's the other way around, much more enjoyable.

15 years

Changing the public profile of feeding

juicy wrote
Well, I think more people would experiment with it if they

a) knew it existed (see jester's post above);

smiley understood that we aren't all killers like the fat community and movies like *Feeder* make us out to be.

As someone who has yet to find a workable feeding relationship in a reasonable distance from where I live--and I admit, I'm picky, but I'm entitled to want to be around people I like and can talk to and find attractive!--I really feel the need for a change in our public profile.

But I began this thread with Earthling's question ringing in my ears. Does no one else wish there were more of us? or that it seemed ok to suggest experimenting with feeding to dates? or listing it on a dating website as an interest?

If you answered yes to any of those three questions, doesn't that logically mean our public profile needs some help?

Awesome stuff Juicy, glad someone gets where i'm coming from.

Personally I would love to see it more open and not by going around forcing the idea on other people and making us look like force feeding machines, but by playing on everyones natural foodee tendencies.

From that nuturing feeling u get from feeding someone to the erotic playing with food as foreplay, every human being has at some point or other felt good about eating or feeding someone. If we could make it known that there is a community for this sort of thing i'm sure it would bring many more out of the woodworks...

Max Out

15 years