Claire sweeney's big fat diet

That video's brilliant. Just turn the sound off and it's not negative at all. smiley
15 years

Your idea of "plus size"

okapi wrote:
The fashion world is dictated by gay men who want their models to looks like young boys. Some, perhaps most, women apparently misinterpret this, thinking that men in general want women to look like young boys. Statistically, women want to be thinner than men want them to be.

That's an interesting thought. =o As for my thoughts on plus size... probably 16 and up.
15 years

Cake or pie

Cake. smiley Especially Mudcake, all kinds (mmm, Caramel smiley). Cheesecake too, preferably non-baked. Those varieties of cakes are especially divine.

Pies are okay, but I tend to feel a little off after eating them for some reason, so I don't have them often. Maybe it's the pastry/oil/etc. =/
15 years

Sex drive

So, I gather from this that fatter women have a higher libido and fatter men have a reduced libido? That's intriguing, if it's all true. =o

What do the fat men here think about this? Have your sex drives dropped at all as you've put on weight?
15 years

Sex drive

I'd say no, if this is anything to go by. =D

Fat women are more likely to have had sexual intercourse than thin ones, research has found.

In a study of 7,000 women 92 per cent of those who were overweight had slept with a man.

The figure was only 87 per cent among those of a "normal" size.

The research, carried out by the University of Hawaii School of Medicine, contradicts previous results which suggested that larger women had a lower libido, while thinner ones were more likely to be sexually active.

It was based on the sexual histories of American women aged 15 to 44. A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 was chosen as the cut-off point between being normal and overweight.
15 years

Feeders or encouragers out there... do you prefer thin, chubby, or fat to start with?

*thinks* Probably a girl that's slimmer, with a little bit of a belly and some curves. Shows the potential of things to come, I guess. *giggles*
15 years

Are belly rubs intimate?

bbwsweetienorcal wrote:
Though I second what the last poster said, about it depending on the relationship and level of the rub I STILL have to rate it at like, an 8. Pretty darn intimate. If someone I didn't know very well just came up to me and started rubbin' my belly I'd probably give 'em a shiner. smiley

Ditto. smiley To me, it's quite an intimate thing.
15 years

Claire sweeney's big fat diet

Wow! =o She definitely looks much better afterwards. Funny how it's supposed to induce thoughts of "Oh no look what all that eating has done! :o" but we all think the opposite. smiley
15 years

Who doesn't wet your whistle

Good thing I NEVER go shirtless if I can help it then. *laughs*
15 years