Coming out of the refrigerator

I came out of the refigerator to myself about 2 months ago...

lol i know it sounds wierd but i was in total denial for my whole life that i found the idea of gaining incredibly erotic and such a turn on, i just thought i was a perverted freak, so much so that i even considered castration to "fix" me... (i come from a religious upbringing)

Anyways, curiosity got the better of me and i found "feederism" on wikipedia which after a google search of the word lead me here where after some time "confused" i finally accepted my preference.

As for other people, i've told a few online mates who i really don't know, the anonymity makes it easier...

as for real friends and family, i don't know wat i'm gonna do, perhaps if i bring a fat girl home it will be enough, or if i bring a girl home who is fatter every time they see her...

i did try and tell my dad once when he decided to give me "the talk", he brushed it off rather quickly and this was before i was even admitting it to myself, kinda put the acceptence back even further...

well thats my story!

Max Out

15 years