Not talking to your partner?

3 Questions for men and women of any sexual orientation.

1.) What is the longest you will go without talking to your partner when your busy?

I have gone an entire work day without talking to him. I get very focused on my work, but I know I'll see him when I get home, as he's always home just before dinner.

2.) How long can you stand not hearing from your partner without saying anything?

It depends. I expect an answer at some point, but the little man does a lot of work around the house, so if I'm busy, he must be busy.

3.) How do you handle/ deal with not hearing from your partner for days on end? Even though you know they are busy with work?

Would not happen.
Also, as he gets fatter I get a little concerned for his safety staying alone. I want to hear from him at the very least before I go to bed, to know he's okay, or I would send someone to check on him.

All these things depend more on the relationship. Some couples are a little more flexible about it - both partners are busy, and that's that. My little butterball and I, though, like to be in communication.
6 years

Any feeders here who don't want to gain weight?

I am the same. I enjoy hiking and some sport, and have no interest in gaining. I love coming home and seeing the little man soft and fat and content. Watching his face get more plump over time was just darling.
Going to be difficult, as we plan on having children soon, but I'll figure it out.
6 years

Walking with your feedee

Butterball is starting to waddle, so walking with him can be a little difficult. I'm usually quite a fast walker, so I'll walk a little ahead and then wait for him to catch up.
These days, anything over four blocks is about what he can do without feeling unhappy (unless of course there's food at the other end).
At times I have had to slow down, though, and I enjoy watching him being affected by how fat he's grown.
6 years

Anyone here into history?

History is part of my job. I enjoy documentaries and recently read "from the Ruins of Empire" which was very fascinating.
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I've been trying to figure out how to make my own "obstacle course" for a fat little feeder to struggle through - lead them through challenges they can't possibly do because they're too fat, or see how hard they try for the sake of obtaining the dessert. At the end there would be a hole to squeeze through, just big enough for them to get through to the final dessert, but right enough that they would have trouble squeezing through, now that tetve eaten so many treats.

Love this idea!

And having treat stations along the course is a fantastic idea, too! I love the idea that their gobbling of treats as part of the course is bloating them just enough that they get stuck at the end... maybe they would have fit before, but not now. smiley

You would have to give hand them the last fattening prize.

A feeder friend of mine wants to actually try it. We're currently designing the course
No idea how that's going to go down with the Feedees, but it would be so much fun
6 years

Jean collection, what to do with?

Donating them is a good cause. Your local Goodwill could probably use them. I have no idea how one could re-use jeans.
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I've been trying to figure out how to make my own "obstacle course" for a fat little feeder to struggle through - lead them through challenges they can't possibly do because they're too fat, or see how hard they try for the sake of obtaining the dessert. At the end there would be a hole to squeeze through, just big enough for them to get through to the final dessert, but right enough that they would have trouble squeezing through, now that tetve eaten so many treats.

That actually sounds pretty fun. Would you lay out a trail of treats to lead them through the obstacle course? Or some of the obstacles are large servings of food, to make the rest of the course more challenging.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to mix it up - good idea.
6 years

Share your dark fantasies

I've been trying to figure out how to make my own "obstacle course" for a fat little feeder to struggle through - lead them through challenges they can't possibly do because they're too fat, or see how hard they try for the sake of obtaining the dessert. At the end there would be a hole to squeeze through, just big enough for them to get through to the final dessert, but right enough that they would have trouble squeezing through, now that tetve eaten so many treats.
6 years

Watching someone get fat!

I picked up a little frolic earlier this week (consensual), and he's so adorable. I'm currently fighting the temptation to fatten him up. He would be miserable being fat and quite unhappy so I would never do it, but I struggle with the temptation a little.

Well i can relate to that very good since my hottest fantasy includes a seductive woman trying to seduce me to gain over my comfrort level to tease me more effectively and then it would be interesting if i had the willpower to slim down or get back control while she tries to make me addicted to her food and sex attacs ^^ ;-)

Solche Verlockungen sind leichter wenn man sie als Fantasien bleiben
6 years

Watching someone get fat!

I picked up a little frolic earlier this week (consensual), and he's so adorable. I'm currently fighting the temptation to fatten him up. He would be miserable being fat and quite unhappy so I would never do it, but I struggle with the temptation a little.
6 years