Tips for aproaching single women

Maximum wrote
softissexy wrote
Look em in the eyes than look at the pussy than look em back in the eyes, and deliver your line, subliminal messages rock. You have to let them know how you really feel lol that way you not automatically put in the friend category.smiley

o.O some how i don't think that will work...

Also, when i see a girl i like, i don't want to screw her, you know, leave that to later on in a relationship?

Well, a lot of girls like to know you want them... and I find with a lot of women, they get offended and get hurt if you don't want to have sex with them right off the bat. It seems to make a lot of girls feel ugly...

I don't like sleeping around and I have only slept with 2 different women in my life, so it causes problems for me a lot. I like to wait at least a few months, but seems a lot of people don't even want to wait a single

Anyway, my advice to you is to show a strong sense of sexual lust for the girl... tease her, smack her ass lightly and smirk, push her against walls and grind her... Make her know you want her and her body... If you don't at least do that, the girl will feel like you aren't really into her... at least this is from what I've experienced.
14 years

Tips for aproaching single women

Oh damn, we just got called ugly. I personally think a lot of guys in the thread that posted are attractive sons of bitches haha

Did that guy have any pictures or was he troll'n in privacy?
14 years

Tips for aproaching single women

I think I'd be a little weirded out if a complete stranger told me "I hope you saved some turkey for me"... Even if she was hot, I'd be like...what? Who are you?

But yeah, I don't like to approach women... I think it makes one look desperate and I personally don't want a lady to know if I'm into her or not... I like her to wonder. I generally just wait for the moment when she talks to me or I'll say something witty or cute when shes doing something and then simply walk away after giving her a smirk/smile. Sure I may not get the girl, nor may I not see her again...but if I do, she'll remember me as more than just some douche trying to pick her up.

Thats just my view on it though.
14 years

Who has found love on fantasyfeeder?

Those who haven't found the love yet, it's cool... Being single isn't all that terrible, seriously. Thinking back to the last 2 relationships I had, I much prefer the single at the moment hahaha

....but it would be nice to find a feedee/bbw/girl who isn't completely a bitch/etc... I can wait though.

If I had a teleporter, this would be a lot simpler.
14 years