Best liquid to stuff with?

Stuftgirl wrote:
Milk smiley

Not that I know much about stuffing, but I imagine too much milk would result in feeling sick and most of it coming back up? :\
12 years

Double chin

Maimee wrote:
ucant_makeme wrote:
And here's a really stupid thought I guess. Could I have had one and not realized it? I know sometimes when you're in denial you may look in the mirror and not see how fat you're getting. I mean, I do that. And double chins sometimes only show up when you make certain facial expressions, and I know people who would see a photo of themselves and say, "I don't have a double chin." But in the picture, they do. Does that make any sense?

I get this too! Was thinking about it when I saw the thread actually. In the mirror my face is slim no matter how I look at myself, but in photos my face is really round and I always have a double chin... I'm tempted to ask my friends, but they'll probably lie.

I've noticed this as well, always in pictures i look so much bigger than i do in the mirror and it annoys me so much lol.
12 years

Gaining in relationship poll

Ideally i'd like mutual gaining, but i'd be happy with either of the others too.
12 years

What does it feel like

I remember when I was in the same position as you. smiley

It's actually kind of hard to explain, there are positives and negatives, like with anything.

I suppose the first thing to say, would be that it feels as great as you imagine it would, to be bigger and heavier, it's amazing and can be quite addictive, causing you to consider going past your initial goals. smiley

However, you do also feel the other stuff too, slower, more lethargic, less energy, but that may just be my sedantary lifestyle, I imagine if you stayed somewhat fit it would be less dramatic.

Its also not something which you become certain about, I still have days where I doubt it, and wonder if i should try going back, but the experience is one i will never forget.

Outside of that, you don't really notice it that much, I mean i still feel i'm the same person I was when I was thinner, and no one has really treated me differently, although that probably comes with the more you gain.

Anyway, I hope I helped give you some idea of what its like. smiley
12 years

The beginning of january

I noticed a weight loss ad for a company today with the slogan "learn to love yourself" which I found disturbing.

I mean, are they saying being fat is just a visual indicator of how much you don't love yourself or something? :S

How about love yourself as you are and want to be, not how society deems you "should" be.
12 years

Who are you crushing on?

jeepster42 wrote:
I haven't been back here in awhile, so I need to do some...*ahem* research to answer this question properly.

LOL, well said, it is always like that when you're away from this site for a while, gotta catch up on who's new. smiley
12 years

Money for weight loss

cutenchubby wrote:
no but ive thought about gaining a lot of weight and going on the biggest loser losing it all and winning some money and then going home and gaining it all back again. i would never actually do it but i like thinking up get rich quick schmes smiley

Best. Idea. Ever.

They could even have a comeback "where are they now" special for you to do it all over again and make even more money!

I mean I know losing and gaining so much weight so often isn't good for the body but damn it sounds fun (well the gaining part at least smiley)
12 years

Do any men want to be immobile

I think immobility is the ultimate fantasy of anyway into weightgain, the reality however seems like it would never be as nice, so although I love the idea, i'd prefer to stay mobile enough to be independent. Always fun to dream though. smiley
12 years

Happy birthday saphiel sir

Happy belated Birthday, sorry I missed it mate. :$
12 years

Intolerant people make me sick

I actually remember that, at one stage it looked like there was going to be a cross-site war but I think our mods spoke to their mods and got everyone to move on.

Either way I don't worry about it, there are people who don't like us or what we do, just ignore them.

The funny thing is that gaining for fat isn't that different from gaining for muscle, we may have different end goals and ideals, but we're both making the same efforts and pursuing our desires.
12 years