How do i make my stories premium

Hi Whitemalehunk,

I can see you have an earnings account, and appears you managed to find the premium upload form as a story of yours was added as premium content on 17th November 2022.

Remember to go to 'My Earnings' and upload the premium content here.

Take care!
FF Team
1 year

Has anyone ever heard of or even been to a feeder camp?

This is very similar to plot in the new FF film 'Finishing School'.

Maybe if there is a want for this we should set up an actual holiday camp! smiley

FF Team
1 year

Finishing school - would you enroll and gain 500lbs? an original film by ff

[h2=black]Meet this years class of future fatties![/h2]

Hampton Manor - Known for producing the BIGGEST and brightest students.

Graduating from this prestigious school provides the opportunity of a lifetime - To live as nobility in the great kingdom of Shangri-la.

Our students need to pass the end of year audition, and meet the weight criteria which has just been INCREASED.

Will the students be able to rise to the challenge?

You'll have to watch to find out!

An original film produced by Fantasy Feeder for lovers of weight gain fiction, using 3D software and professional voice over actors.

View Trailer

[h3=black]Let us know what you think! [/h3]
* Would you enrol or encourage your partner to enrol at Hampton Manor?

* How fat would you be prepared to get in exchange for a life of luxury?

* Would you dare to use 'The Metomorphasizer' - A machine specifically designed by Professor Hubbard to induce extreme obesity?

1 year

Inbox messages

Hi Platypoi,

The message views work on a rolling 24 hours.

You get 5 conversations and you can reply an unlimited amount of times in those 24 hours.

If I message you at 11pm - that uses one of my message views and we can talk all day up to 11pm the following day. At this point the message view will renew - the timer display refers to how long you have to wait for it to renew.

If you have multiple conversations / messages these will all renew at different times. So as above I message you at 11pm, but then I message someone else at 1am. The timer will tell me how long I have to wait for the first 24hour period to complete so I can view another message. Once this rolls over, the timer updates to the next period to complete which would be in 2 hours, and so on.

Please note along with the timer, it will say how many message views you have left out of five, just make sure you are checking this.

Hope this helps!
FF Team
1 year

Actual timestamps on photos, story posts and gainer entries

Thanks for your suggestion. I think this is a great idea. I will pass this over to the site owner for review!

FF Team
1 year

Good news

Thank you very much for your lovely message.

Take care
FF Team
1 year

Sending photos in a message

Hi Malvineous,

We don't have the option of attaching photos to messages at the moment. Its something we can certainly think about as a new feature for messages.

You can include BB Code in your message and add a picture URL if the picture has been uploaded someone online already (doesn't have to be uploaded to FF)...

You just need to wrap the image URL between the BB Code opening and closing tags.

[img]Insert Image URL Here[/img]

Hope this helps!

FF Team
1 year

How is when you go to the paid upgrade page calculates?


The profiles can be sorted in to last online and newest. The profile pictures will update, with the most recently logged in newest profiles, or last logged in profiles (both time based).

I believe the default is 'last online'. But you can change this by going to the search form on profile and selecting 'order by'.

This is why profile pics you saw on the page will have seemingly disappeared, This is to keep the profile page up to date by showing active members.

FF Team
1 year

Search feedback.

Hi, and thank you for this suggestion for the profile search.

We can certainly look to add pansexual to the profile options.

I do think a multiple select here would be beneficial so thanks for your suggestion.

FF Team
1 year