Sumo meals

I was reading on Sumo food and recipes. I just did a huge pot of vegetable in stock and chicken with garlic ginger and soy sauce. I t must be 5 kg of food. Not sure how long it will last with rice and Chille sauce to taste. But it will pack on the healthily pounds.

Where did you read/ get the recipes from

I just typed in a search what sumo eat and just found stuff online including cooking videos and recipes but in general it lot of vegetables meat chicken beef fish pork belly stock and herbs for flavour bean curd, any thing is one pot eat with rice. I am just going to experiment.
2 years

If a witch were to capture you…

I see a witch as not a nasty old hag that is evil. No I subscribe to the pagan one of a herbalist a health healer. She would take me in and tell me how skinny I am and how I needed to feed back to health with potions to help. Total blissful fattening for life.
2 years

Flavor fatigue during stuffing

I get this all the time, I just not good of doing mutable dishes to be the volume of food i like to eat, so tend to do a lot of one or two things and so yes get flavors fatigue often.
2 years

Sumo meals

I was reading on Sumo food and recipes. I just did a huge pot of vegetable in stock and chicken with garlic ginger and soy sauce. I t must be 5 kg of food. Not sure how long it will last with rice and Chille sauce to taste. But it will pack on the healthily pounds.
2 years

Lower calf's

If you press and hold your finger (or something like the bottom end of a pencil or pen if reaching your feet is hard) and then pull it away, does it leave an indent for more than a second? If it does it might mean your feet and ankles are swelling with excess fluid because of circulations problems, otehrwise known as edema. If that's the case it's worth seeing a doctor about because while many cases of edema are harmless and just cause discomfort or unwanted swollen appearance it can be an indicator of more serious health problems.

I looked up the test and I seem to have level one and some tight and shiny skin another systom will discuss with my GP next visit thanks for the information
2 years

Lower calf's


I have seen ladies with huge rolls of fat at the ankles that cover some or all of their feet. I am starting to get this a little bit of creasing at the ankles the start of rolls forming. I not that the skin is tight and the fat is not soft like my belly is that typical or not?
2 years

When did you become extremely obese?

I was almost done growing taller at that time had a 2 inch to go I would say so about 5 ,foot 8 so bmi 40 very obese not hyperobese. Given my bmi is now 71.
2 years

When did you become extremely obese?

In high school I would buy food at the canteen 4 or 5 times a day out of class I was always eating So I just ballooned in 2 years reaching 18 stone at age 16 . So was very obese at 16.
2 years

Too fat? exciting realization! 😳❤️

Been on a road trip so motel showers are getting smaller or i am getting to huge also some high steps in stairs on walks are getting a struggle with my leg have to lift my stomach.
2 years

Do you have an upper weight limit?

No I was thinking 500 lbs but I am more than that and I love it and can see things that I what to expand even more. But would like to ensure I can more subcutaneous fat and be able to monitor my health more as I grow to understand my limitations. But no limit in my mind or as a mobility point of view.
2 years