Coming out of the fat closet

The more we keep these feelings from others, the more they feel like an embarrassing secret that we'd be mortified to tell anyone.

Sometimes I think that what makes it a "taboo" is more than anything else ourselves. It's understandable because a lot of us have suffered feelings of shame about who we are and what we're attracted to.

Just imagine noticing one of your friends always goes out with girls from a particular ethnic race. Or hearing that your friend prefers girls who have a very high-flying job and are a bit bossy. Or finding out that one of your friends enjoys a spot of light bondage. You might be moderately amused for a minute, or intrigued, but my guess is that you'd quickly forget all about it. You'd accept it about them just the same as knowing that they act like a dick when they've had a few drinks or are really good or bad at a particular sport, or a brainbox/dunce at maths. It's just an individual trait.

Don't sweat it. Chances are your friends have already noticed you have fatter girlfriends anyway!
11 years

Fired due to weight

I'm really pleased for her that you happened to be assigned her case.
12 years

Whats your favorite movie...

The best film of the 90s was Wild At Heart of course! Nicholas Cage (when he still did cool indie stuff), Laura Dern and Willem Dafoe. Marv.

La Haine and Pulp Fiction are close seconds.
12 years

Getting fatter & new clothes.

zaf wrote:
I've really enjoyed getting fat, much fatter than I thought I ever would be but the downside is having to buy new clothes very regularly.

ps buying stylish clothes is much harder.

Congrats on your new fat experience, sounds like fun smiley

You need British fat guys to give you tips really, but I've found that you can replicate most looks by visualising a version of what you want to wear, and being a bit creative about re-creating it on a budget and for a fatty, by buying from brands that do the bigger sizes, eg. ASOS or Next online. They're getting miles better at producing cheap and larger size knock-offs of fashionable stuff. You can still wear the accessories from your favourite fancy thin-person's shops though!

Doesn't really work if your ideal look is Vivienne Westwood or McQueen though (although if anyone has any chubster styling techniques please please tell me!)

Plus... you're not that fat ... yet... Should be ok from regular shops for a while?
12 years

"plus size" model

Look, it's just funny and slightly bonkers, alright?!

Google Robyn Lawley and you will see articles which do mention her height, but only in passing. They focus on her size and weight.

This article, an interview with the model herself, indicates that she had to accept her own weight and body size (not height) and thereafter became a plus size model:

She says:
"By industry standards I would only be able to model on the catwalks if I forced my body down to a size 0-2. Instead, I am "plus-size." "

So she's saying she isn't considered plus size because of her height, only because of her size.

A seven foot basket ball player would actually be huge, so no of course I wouldn't object to his being called that. A size 12 model (all the more so when she is 6'2"smiley is not by any reasonable standard big, so to call her plus size is a great example of how bananas the fashion industry is.

That is all.
12 years

"plus size" model

okapi wrote:
For a size acceptance site there sure are a lot of negative comments about size here. This woman is 6'2". I'd say that qualifies as plus size.

I don't think anyone's being negative about her size. She looks amazing.

I'm just disappointed that society brands her as plus size. Of course that's within the fashion industry so one has to put it in context. In comparison to catwalk and high-fashion models she is unusually big (and I disagree with Okapi that the phrase plus size refers to her height in this context - it is clearly about her dress size).

Of course it is positive that she is the new model for whichever fashion house it is because if they are prepared to put forward an image of themselves which is even slightly more "normal"-shaped then that is a step in the right direction.

I was just shocked to see her described as plus size when the evidence of my own eyes was that I was looking at an exceptionally willowy woman. I think by the tone of most people's replies the consensus is that using "plus size" to describe her feels somewhat ridiculous.
12 years