Do any men want to be immobile

Initially I though that would be too much, that my limit was much closer to where I am now than immobility...

...many pounds later, I find the idea far more enticing. I don't know why that is? Now it no longer seems out of the question.
9 years

Gaining: doubled or trebled your weight?

I was under 200 when I started gaining, now I'm about 100 lbs heavier. I can't wait to see what 400 will be like!

And then, of course, 600... heh heh
9 years

I got stuck-

Looks like the original post has been removed... but I would like to add that I am looking forward to my first "stuck" moment. While I expect I will be extremely embarrassed, I find the prospect very exciting.
9 years

I got stuck-

Congrats! What a great end to a stuckage story!
9 years

Forcefeeding/being forcefed

My partner/feeder has stretched out my stomach capacity so much that I can usually just keep eating, and eating... it's like trying to fill an endless black hole...

But on a few occasions recently (last three or four weeks) I have been stuffed to the gills. It doesn't happen very often! But I guess after slipping in a few extra meals on weekends, between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner, my stomach just didn't have enough time to digest (and store the extra calories as wonderful fat)...

So when I declined the last piece/quarter of coconut cream pie, my feeder got a little cross with me. The first rule in our house is that I eat whatever she tells me too. She picked up the pie tin, walked behind where I was sitting, and started to shove it in my mouth by hand. I didn't put up much resistance...

The same thing happened again with lasagna...

While my stomach regretted it for a little while, I must say it was very arousing & exciting!

9 years

1 day of working out, 1 week of pain

My feeder is a fitness fanatic, and she keeps me working out even as she's plumping me up.

The biggest thing is just walking - we do this 3 or 4 times a week, and we walk for 60-90mins per trip.

The other thing is swimming - great workout, without the pain (well, maybe a little pain occasionally). I do this once a week for about an hour. I do a little bit of weights, but not much really. Not enough to get too sore.

Despite this I've outgrown my clothes twice so far this year, and my blood pressure & blood sugar levels are good!
9 years

Stuck/ stuckage fans?

I dream of the time when I'll be big enough to start getting stuck in things. I am hopeful that in fifty pounds or so that subway turnstiles will play a role in this....
9 years

Favorite weight gain fantasies?


I am always 4-F now (feeling full, fat and fantastic).

Great way to describe this! 4F needs to be the new slang for fat & gaining people!
9 years

More submissive as you gain?

I don't know if it's me becoming more submissive as I get fatter, or if my partner/feeder is just getting more dominant and aggressive? Either way, the trend seems to be true for me as well!

She's already talking about how I'll have to beg her for assistance when I'm too big to reach things, get dressed, feed myself... smiley It's a long way off, but an exciting idea, and a nice goal to shoot for, isn't it? smiley
9 years

Does stuffing arouse you?

At first stuffing was tough for me... it felt like work! I would be exhausted & uncomfortable at the end of it...

Now, after lots of practice, I've gotten into the routine:

1. Get stuffed, until my feeder is satisfied.
2. Belly rub from my feeder (awesome!)
3. Belly rub leads to something else, usually in the bedroom... (even more awesome!)

So now that I'm conditioned, even if my partner isn't around, I start to get an erection of expectation when I start feeling really, really full.

Love it!
9 years