Out of curiosity

Neko wrote:
Well, everyone from my friends to my mom knows I have a preference for bigger girls, and though some may not have the same feelings, none of them judge me for it...but I've never told anyone that I myself like being soft and that I'd like to be fed and get fatter..hehe. That, I keep to myself...even in some relationships, which sucks! I'd really love to date a feeder but they seem rare around these parts..

You need to change parts :-p
15 years

Most gained weigh in 7 days

Neko wrote:
Gotcha way beat!! Gained 10 lb in 5 days =)
that was a miracle for me, who cant gain 10 pounds in 5 months half the time..haha
...but i did have some "help".

What sort of help...? ;-)
16 years

Ten techniques for spotting fakes

One way of helping to tell reals from fakes would be to make the real/fake voting system a little more like the eBay feedback system, as I discuss here.
16 years

Ten techniques for spotting fakes


terribly sorry: I didn't mean to mis-spell your name - I had read it incorrectly. I did not mean it as an insult. Whilst I did not agree with what you had written, I have nothing against you personally :-)
16 years

Ten techniques for spotting fakes

50% the rest of the creeps and jerks I don't bother with who get all hissy because I ignore them.

Oh well.

Hmm, I'd have imagined that real people are far more likely to ignore creeps and jerks than fakes ;-)
16 years

Ten techniques for spotting fakes

One interesting point raised from the discussion on photographs is this: it is trivially easy for a fake to find photographs from some or other social networking site: there are huge numbers posted, for example, on Curvage all the time, which show progressions of people gaining weight.

As some of the posters described above indicated, many real people find it quite difficult to send real photographs of themselves, and are often reluctant to do so. The problem is, however, that it is also trivially easy for a fake to feign those difficulties.
16 years

Ten techniques for spotting fakes


while, no doubt, there are some people who don't mind talking to fakes, many people do mind: the very fact of being the victim of deceit to such a large extent is quite pernicious to many.

You have, however, identified some good points for identifying fakes: unsolicited approaches are usually fakes (that is not conclusive: I recall one unsolicited approach that turned out to be a real one, and a good real one, many years ago), and the concept of the "ratio of sexual enthusiasm vs. emotional/intellectual engagement" is a very good way of looking at it.
16 years