Fat friends influence

pizza222 wrote:
foresty wrote:
In my senior year of high school I drove two of my friends home. We would stop at 7-eleven for a slurpee and candy or mcdonalds almost everyday on the way home. One friend who was a guy stopped taking his ADD medication which gave way to his hunger and by graduation he was over 100 lbs. heavier. The other friend was a girl and she put on 45 lbs that year which made some nice belly rolls and a giant butt. In the end it was my influence on them and now they have some belly of their own.

This is so hot !! smiley smiley

11 years

To gain or not to gain

Has she noticed yet?
11 years

What is it about gaining?

Drinking is an easy way to add calories and gain weight without adding food. The purchaser has near complete control over the recipient, as it is usually considered rude to refuse.

It would be easy to cause a partner, friend, or even colleague or acquaintance to gain by treating them regularly. Not to mention this is much more socially acceptable than traditional feeding.
11 years

Gaining weight and parents

The simple solution is to pick up some part-time work. Now you'll have extra money to fund your own food and clothing purchases.

Your parents will no longer be burdened by your voracious consumption, and therefore they'll have no legitimate reason to complain.
11 years

New to the 300 lb club?

internetguy44 wrote:
Girlfriend is up to 311! She wants to do this weight loss challenge thing at work, so it looks like her hot new upper arm jiggle might not be long for this world.

Even if she drops some weight the arms usually keep jiggling. (As long as she's not doing some targeted exercise.)
11 years

Exercise after a big gain

Certainly most people at the gym look negatively at fat, but I wonder how many FAs join gyms for sightseeing?
11 years

I want to be so stuffed that..

PinkyDear wrote:
I've been fantasizing about having someone feed me so much at a restaurant that I can't fit back into the car.

This is hot: When a BBW starts to outgrow her car.
11 years

Bbws and cars

Does anyone else get excited about this:

Big chicks and their cars: Squeezing themselves into place, belly rubbing the steering wheel, rolls squeezed up against the door panel and console, the driver's side squatting lower once they get in, the engine struggling to propel the extra weight, etc.

Perhaps a good way to summarize would be the woman is in domination of the machine, a machine that was obviously designed around a smaller person.

I haven't seen any discussion on this topic and wondered if anyone else gave it any thought at all, or if there are any BBWs who feel this way?
11 years

How to be a good feedee.?

Make many trips up to the buffet tables. Avoid veggies or healthy fare. Show him you're serious about getting your money's worth and you're not gonna stop just because you feel full.

Choose hearty, fattening items and make sure to savor them. After several plates, pause to rub your belly now and then. Be sure to pace yourself.

Most of all be receptive to his likes and suggestions. This is sure to become a habit and you'll enjoy it more every time!
11 years

Asses and thighs

1Dan001 wrote:
I've said it in heaps of threads, but I adore them!

I am SO an Ass Man.

I love that 'Pear' look.

The bigger those booty & thighs the better!

11 years