The difference between fantasy and reality...

cool, said it better then i could have;

in the dreams no limits and in reality around 300...

good to know i'm not the only one, thnx for the reply
15 years

The difference between fantasy and reality...

Hello Again All,

I'm bored, so i thought i'd post a thread i been thinking a while about...

So i thought i'd see where people here draw the line between fantasy and reality, for some it seems they are quite seperate, other people seem to have the two totaly blurred, i want to know other peoples opinions on this and if thier way works for them.

I shall start by explaining my own line;

I've always been thin, had a problem with food, had to visit food clinics cause i wouldn't eat, would spend hours at the table cause i "couldn't leave till i finished" got to know the corner pretty well too...

However at the smae time i would enjoy stuffing pillows in my clothes and pretending i was fat...

In school, i'd get in trouble for not eating my lunch, i'd hide it, chuck it, give it to other people, anything to not eat...

yet i'd be in bed at night, thinking of fun reasons to get fat, while still playing with pillows...

High School got a bit extreme, all came to a head in my last yr when i dropped out of school to avoid killing myself... (Not gonna say more, if u wanna talk about it, it's cool, but not about to blog my problems to the world...)

Anyway, at the time of all this "crap" in my life, the one thing i did like was that i was thin, this was about 3 yrs ago, i was same height, and 99 pounds.

Mum wasn't happy about this and threatend to send me to a psych ward if i didn't put on some weight... (I probably was annorexic but i didn't care, it was the one part of my life i was happy with...)

So i ended up getting better mentaly but a bit bigger.

Here i am now at 130 pounds, i hate it, i miss the feel of my ribs poking against my skin... and yet i fantasies about fattening up girls i like and get so turned on by watching them eat...

Then i discovered FF, suddenly i'm more open about my fantasy, looking for a girl for feeding in RL and not so worried about the idea that it may cause me to gain a bit myself... i even find i don't mind my "belly" as much... At the same time though i don't think i've eaten so little in a week for ages, i feel a bit week because of it, a bit sick, and i like that...


So that's my differing "fantasy" and "reality"

i want to be fantasticaly fat yet realisticly thin... smiley

hmmm, is a dillema, so anyone else got similar stories? or am i the only one who may still be "confused"?


15 years

Side effects of stuffing?


great advice, thanks heaps


15 years

Side effects of stuffing?

lol indeed i did...

but i've had problems in the past with that stuff without stuffing, don't want to make it worse...
15 years

Side effects of stuffing?

Just wondering, (as i do), is thier any negative side effects to stuffing?

for example, is a great night stuffing going to be followed by a bad night on the toilet?

will u end up puking it all out after?

Or is thier certain things u have to do to avoid that sort of stuff?


just some random thoughts i have which turn me off the whole stuffing thing, which comes down to plain ignorance...

enlighten me please?


15 years