Might move to florida

Tampa!!! That puts you very close to the beautiful white sand beaches of the Gulf Coast (just look up St. Pete & Clearwater & Ledo beach)! Tampa has a lot going on and is a short drive to Jax, Orlando and South Florida.
9 years

Stuffing talk ;)

I like to plan the event. I have been a feeder all of my adult life, and I'm also a feeder who is not into making my lady gain weight. For that reason, I have always tried to use Saturdays as the big event. Yes, one day a week! That keeps it special, sacred and it's something to plan on and look forward to with anticipation all week long. By focusing on one special day a week we both have something to look forward to with anticipation and plan out the details; appetizer, first, second, third course meals and then deserts. That also helps build my lady (feedee) up into a "binge" frenzy mode. I like it to be a fetish/sexual thing so I prefer; home cooked meals or sometimes, I will order an array of take out. But I really love to cook, and I can cook just about anything! I keep my house very well stocked! I also find that the aroma of the cooking process increases her appetite. With regard to what I prepare, that depends on the lady I'm trying to overstuff. I have actually learned to prepare different types of cuisines to cater to the favorite binge foods of the lady I'm involved with at the time.

As far as going to restaurants, I have done that as well but it's not the same. I have dated women who are embarrassed to order multiple items on the menu and sit at the restaurant and eat until her heart's content. I have on several occasions left one restaurant and gone to another to continue the feeding but it's not the same as the privacy of being at home and having fun! It also involves leaving one place and often times driving to the next place and being put on a waiting list! No! Not what I like to do! On a different note, I do like to dress up and go out to nice restaurants but that is because I also enjoy the experience of the two of us getting all dressed up and going out for a formal dinner. Those nights are to satisfy the pleasure of going out on a "date night".

I don't want to leave the impression that I only engage in being a feeder and encouraging a my lady to overstuff just once a week. That is what I aim for but anything else is just extra! Overall; I guess, I would rather have one truly great fetish/sexually satisfying extreme stomach bursting stuffing session per week than two or three half hearted attempts during the week! It's like having a big orgasm at the end! Pure heaven!
9 years

Central florida

North Tampa Area
10 years

Coincidental run-ins?

I have had a few planned rendezvous with ladies from FF and I have also experienced two accidental run-in's with fellow FF members that I recognized and they recognized me.

The first run in was about six years ago while I was at work and I traveled to Boca Raton for a business meeting. A lady that worked for the company I was making a presentation too walked into the conference room, pointed at me and said; "Hey, you're stomachstretcher"! A few other people heard her and that caused a little embarrassment. More for her than to me.

The second time was at a local mall. That was a nice and pleasant encounter!
10 years

Monty python lovers ?

I watched The Holy Grail so many times I had most of the lines memorized! Bring out your dead! But, I'm not dead yet. Yes you are!
10 years

Any goths around here?

I'm a Goth. I consider myself an old school Goth because it's a matter of style and attitude for me rather than tattoos and hardware.
10 years

Non-"fetish" hobbies?

Photography and playing the guitar.
10 years

Any travellers around?

I've been to every state in the union exept California and Hawaii. Love Alaska in the summer, 18 hours of daylight is wonderful!

Costa Rica multiple times for fishing trips.

Bogota, Colombia - I had a Colombian feedee once.... Interesting place Bogota

Victoria, Vancouver, Toronto and Nova Scotia, Canada. Whale watching is great in Victoria. Canadians are incredibly friendly.

Mexico on two occations, didn't care for it.
10 years

Dating on ff

jillydoll wrote:
my local interactions have been disappointing as well. I would love to click with somebody, particularly nearby.. I'm openminded and want to explore with somebody smiley

I find FF interesting but not realistic as a "dating site". I really like the site and am always drawn to this site. Years ago my profile on FF was created by the lovely young lady I was dating at the time, she gave me the name "stomachstretcher" because I stretched her stomach like a balloon! Shortly after our breakup she disappeared from FF. I have continued to log in to FF from time to time and I have communicated with many of the wonderful ladies on FF, but have never "connected" with any of them!

I have to agree with jillydoll, local interactions have been very disappointing!
10 years

Stuffing belly aches

jillydoll wrote:
Hahaha, I didn't even know this was a thing but I do it all the time. Lots of whimpering and whining and belly rubbing after eating too much. Next time I will set up a camera? smiley

Yes! Please share! smiley
10 years
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