Real weight gain pills?

Cyproheptadine is one of the active ingredients in Apetamin, so it's hardly a secret. Best of luck regardless.
7 years


I vote wear the old outfit without Spanx. It'll be more comfortable, and you want them to see that you're comfortable and happy with your new weight, especially since there'll be a lot more of it soon.
7 years

Documenting weight gain

A time lapse video. A photo everyday or almost every day, always in the same pose,then edited into a video.
Nobody did it yet, as far as I've seen. There are a few time lapse videos about pregnancy, and about growing hair, but not about gaining weight.

This. It's the holy grail.
7 years

Not sure

The more real weight you gain, the clearer your feelings will become. You've got about another 25 pounds before you reach a point where it's significantly harder to lose it again, so use that leeway to learn your true desires.
7 years

How to focus gains on belly/butt?

Trying to redirect the new fat is just a guessing game, so don't rely on it. Squats, leg raises and crunches will build muscle in those areas, giving you some volume underneath the fat.
7 years

In female, 24. looking for feeder.

Please, people, convince her you're the right guy and THEN ask her to relocate.
7 years

Help for a beginner

Okay, here you go.

- Your math is about right, but the best available math only gives a very rough answer so the amount you gain could vary from the formula by up to a pound per week in either direction. The more you can manage the faster you'll go, so work on increasing your capacity.

- Some people drink heavy cream straight and that's probably denser in calories than any dilution of it. Gradually make it a larger proportion of your concoction until either it makes you feel ill to drink it (then pull back), or it finally takes up most of the volume and the other ingredients are token amounts for flavour.

- At the rate you're aiming for, in as little as a few days you might feel it in your clothes around your middle. Then you'll feel it in other places, THEN you'll start seeing it, THEN others will see it too.

Good luck.
8 years

Looking for weight gain data...

That's a rule? It's ignored often, one of the three most recent BBW weightgain stories stars a 17-year-old.

Anyway, I've seen a woman more than double her weight in less than a year just by eating like crazy. She found ways to eat between 6,000 and 11, 000 calories per day and, starting around 110 pounds, had gained 50 more in a little over a month. It was easy to keep going after that.

Speaking more generally, if you have the stomach capacity and the right foods it's possible to gain and maintain a conservative maximum of a pound and a half per day, and sustain that indefinitely until health, budget or mobility get in the way. If you do the math, it means you'd have to be incredibly heavy NOT to be able to double your weight in a year.
8 years

"mukbang" stuffing livestreams

Westerners who do mukbang seem to put it on YouTube instead of doing it live, so a proper mukbang stream from North America would be a rare thing if not entirely unique. Here's an article by an American who tried it:

Nothing stops you from streaming on, where the Korean pros are. Otherwise you'd need to build an audience from scratch someplace like Ustream.

To hedge your bets, widen your audience and give yourself something to talk about, you could start a Twitch channel and play video games while you eat, though the novelty of the eating aspect might invite some strong reactions and, frankly, abuse. A good team of mods can mitigate this though.

As for interest, I'd certainly follow you.
8 years
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