What does fat symbolize to you?

1. It represents strength to me, at least as much as muscle does.

2. It represents a “don’t mess with me”.

3. Yet it represents friendliness, maybe because of the old saying that “fat people are jolly”.
9 months

Does everyone here get turned on by fat or gaining?

I do. I get turned on by fat guys, by seeing myself in the mirror getting fat, by having to wear bigger size clothes, by envisioning myself fatter.
9 months

Checking scales

I check the scale and tape measure every few days, sometimes a week can go by.
9 months

Help! how to gain weight fast?

I also suggest not gaining too fast. The tendons and ligaments, muscles and cardiovascular system need to strengthen and improve. It is not unlike starting to run. New runners often get hurt because, while stamina and fitness improve quickly, the skeletal and cv systems need more time to develop.
1 year

Went to get a donut, got way more than intended

Sounds like you should prepare to buy a size or two up...

Yep, do it now. One or two inexpensive sets of clothes so it doesn’t become an emergency later. I had do do a mad dash to Walmart one Sunday evening because the clothes I took out for work on Monday did not fit.
1 year

People who went fit to fat

Day to day… not much change.

I was a power lifter (amateur, gym rat). I was pretty muscular but with definite “padding”, which I love.

I started getting fatter. I gained about 45-50 lbs on my 5’6” frame after I got sidelined from back surgery, ironically, not from the gym. I loved getting and being fat, I still do.

I’m slowly back to the gym, but much lighter and different workouts. I’m still pretty muscular under the fat. My job is pretty physical, more than you’d think (busy supermarket deli) so it’s hard to keep the weight on.

I’m not supposed to, but I’m always chowing down what I over cut for an order. Salami, baloney, cheese, ham pieces throughout the day adds up. However, the constant 4 - 6 hours movement is good cardio.
1 year

Appetite stimulants

I don’t know about the OTC ones you have listed, but I want to say on the general topic: don’t get prescription strength appetite stimulants unless you actually have a medical need for them because the side effects can be brutal. Having battled an eating disorder, I’ve been on both Periactin and Megace before at different times. They work very well, at least at first (I found they lost effectiveness over time) but they are only worth it when the alternative is eating so little it’s dangerous because they can really mess with your mood, energy levels, and general health.

Agreed … mirtazapine for depression and metoprolol for blood pressure are notorious for causing weight gain … BUT! mirtazapine can knock you out, and metoprolol can kill your sex drive. I have used both, for their intended and prescribed uses, but I stopped them. The benefit of weight gain is not worth the side effects.
1 year

Experiences being really short and fat simultaneously

I’m just about 5’6”. My heaviest was 246, snug 44 waist pants, belly was 53”. I lost weight but I’m gaining it back. My goal was 260-270, 46-48 pants, maybe I can still reach it. Buying clothes is a challenge.
1 year

Perception of prefered weight over the years

Yes, for me. I first thought 200-210 at my 5’6” would be good. Then it became 230-240.I hit 245 and wanted to raise it to 260-270, then I thought 280 would be hot as hell. I still do. That would put me in size 48 pants.
1 year

How big of a belly do you want?

I’m 5’6”, so I’m kind of short. I’d love my belly to get to about 56-57”. It’s 49” now.
1 year
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