Doctor check-up question

They haven't recommended meds yet, but I imagine next time they might if it doesn't go down. Especially if I have the same doctor.

I would like to see his face when I show up bigger and heavier!
4 years

Doctor check-up question

Had my appointment. I basically ate the way I had been with a bit more fruit and vegetables. I also took it easy the two days prior to my appt.

My BP was slightly elevated, nothing that concerned my doctor. 140/92.

My cholesterol is high, I don't have a count.

My weight was 110kg/243lbs. About 15lbs higher than my last appt 3 years ago.

So in the end, and to nobody's surprise, he said for me to get some more excercise and lose some weight...uh-huh.

Oh and at my previous appt, I was apparently pre-diabetic. They didn't tell me. I had another issue that concerned them so I guess it wasn't a priority. Anyways, according to my blood test this time, I'm no longer pre-diabetic. I had a different doctor this time, same place, different doctor, perhaps it was more of an issue for this guy. I don't know. In any case, it was another excuse to push losing weight. Thankfully, after getting my bloodwork back, its no longer an issue.

So back to eating to much easier at Christmas time!
4 years

Doctor check-up question

I'm super curious about heavy cream. I don't understand how BP and cholesterol won't spike from drinking it.

Subcutaneous fat is a dream of mine. I'd love to gain some. I know its the healthier fat and thought of being jigglier is extremely tempting. I just can't get past the idea that heavy cream won't cause the numbers I'm trying to avoid going up, from going up.
4 years

Doctor check-up question

I have a check-up/physical in a little less than a month from now. I would like to gain some weight before then. Is there a way to do this without having high numbers (BP/cholesterol etc)?

Is there a way to regulate these and still gain weight...or at the very least maintain?
4 years


Well, I've given in to my temptations. I'm eating like I was before I lost weight...and maybe a bit more 😘.

We'll see where I wind up, weight wise. I'll also update how things are going with my initial dilemma...the inability to get errect. So far, so good. Haha.
4 years


I'm pretty sure I don't have aromatase. I've never developed breasts. But who knows.
4 years


The reason I started to lose weight was because I found myself unable to get an erection.

Since I've lost that weight, it's been better. I don't know if one is because of the other. Given my age, though, it likely is a factor.

I like to eat, I like being fat, I just don't want my sex life to be affected.
4 years


Its been a few months since I've been here. I gained weight last year and got to my high of 255. Because of some personal reasons, I decided to lose some weight. I'm down to 230.

I know I should probably continue to lose weight and my mind was there to do so, but now its not. Like a switch went off. I now wanna get fatter than I was before.

Has this happened to anybody else? How do you deal with the dilemma?
4 years

Fruits and veggies

For the first while as I was gaining, I didn't eat nearly as much fruit and veggies as I should have. I didn't want to fill up on them and not be able to eat the junk which helped me grow. Over time my stomach capacity has grown and I now eat more fruits and veg, which I'm sure in the long run isn't a bad thing.

Anybody else have this happen to them?
5 years

Blood pressure

The machine I used said under 140/90 is "normal". I don't know. I will check your link.
5 years
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