Gaining shakes for a few days?

It takes a couple of weeks of cream before you start gaining. Then the gains will continue for a week or so after you stop, if you drink the cream for a month or longer.

You shouldn't see any significant changes to your metabolism once you stop, if you're only drinking cream for a few weeks.
2 years

Temporary gaining?

Heavy cream is the way to go.

Even though you'll gain weight for a couple of weeks after you stop drinking it, you can easily gain 20 pounds and then lose it afterward if you decide that it isn't for you.
2 years

Body is refusing to gain fat

How many days have you been overeating?
3 years

For people actively gaining, how much do you spend on food?

Hey guys,

I was hoping that I could get some insight into the spending that goes into actively gaining, and maybe a bit about the structure of your meals.

I think that most of us don't gain strictly on junk food, but I struggle with planning out meals that I know I will eat a lot of and will gain weight with.

I was wondering how much you spend on food each week, roughly. I live in the midwest so I believe that most things are cheap-ish here, but I still struggle to not spend more than $50 on groceries each week while still getting fattening foods that I enjoy. Is my palette just bad?

Please let me know what you guys think. Thank you!

Edit: One point that stands out to me is that heavy cream costs (for me) a minimum of $12 per week, which is just 50 cents from being a quarter of my budget! It just seems like I can't gain without finding more money first.
3 years


You might not plateau for a while. Do you know how much weight you have gained?

If you want to avoid a plateau, you might try just adding 200 calories or so to your intake each day, just to give it an extra nudge.

There are also a lot of users on here who I'm sure can chime in with their experiences with plateaus.
3 years

Interesting genetics study ... now how to get tested? lol

I don't get sick often, therefore I should get really fat!

I know that's not what this is saying, but that's how I'm choosing to take it lol.
3 years

Past the point of no return

I think your environment definitely plays a significant role in your habits. Adjusting your environment (as much as you can) to encourage overeating is probably one of the best things you can do.

At least based on what I've seen from other people.
3 years

Lunch thread

Definitely the potatoes. I looooove potatoes.

Edit: My bad, can't read. The chicken sounds good.
3 years

List of useful tips

I figured that maybe it would be useful to have a public list of gaining tips.

Obviously, heavy cream is extremely useful. What else do you recommend that maybe not many others here know about?
3 years
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