Moment you realized that feederism was for you

The moment, for me, that I wanted to start gaining weight, was when I was getting out of the shower, I was not intentionally trying to get fat, it just happened, I looked down and saw my belly and well, it was like it changed something for me and I wanted to get fatter haha
8 months

Anyone wanna chat?

anyone wanna chat about weight gain stuff (I am just in the mood to be teased and called names rn x3 my Kik is FattyAnimeLover and my discord is yamiliashirosia just say on here what your username is on either app and I'll add ya back)
9 months

Rp or chat?

Just looking for people to rp/chat about weight gain with (preferably the first one but it doesn't have to he lol, I am just bored at the moment) so if anyone is interested message me on discord yamiliashirosia just tell me your username and tell me you added me as I have trust issues with discord sometimes due to other people
1 year

Gaining friends :)

I would definitely love to chat (since I'm kinda new to gaining and all haha)
1 year

Looking for people to chat with

Sweet, would you wanna do it on here, discord or twitter as I have either ^^
1 year

Looking for people to chat with

I'm kinda new to gaining weight and wanna talk with people (and also find a lover as I don't currently have one Xd) or just flirt/rp whatever, but mostly just looking for friends to talk to about this stuff xD
1 year
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