Where did your fat go on your body?

All on my belly

The first 30 pounds went to my belly and nowhere else. I looked like a bowling pin!

After that, my face, love handles and tits filled in.
1 month

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight

I want to ask people who were thin before and decided to gain weight. After you gained weight, do you regret doing it? If you don't, then share your experience of gaining weight. How did you do it?

After my feeder helped me go from 181 chubby pounds to 233, I was thrilled and horrified at the same time. But my body changes turned my feeder on so much that I felt like a movie star! I really enjoyed her belly kisses, squeezes and having me as "Tubby" in her phone.

We did it by me eating 5 full meals a day, plus snacking in between, then spending evenings in front of the TV just bringing me more stuff to eat until bedtime. Also, not much exercise - a walk here and here, but 5-10 minutes, that's it. We watched me blow up and we were both into it! ❤️

I don't regret it! I wish I had someone else to do it with, I would take off the brakes for the right human.
1 month

Switching from milk to heavy cream

Heavy cream at Starbucks! It’s like the stars are aligning and the universe has some fat designs set for me. Thanks for the tip,

Heavy cream changed my life when my feeder and I discovered I wasn't lactose intolerant. I started drinking coffee with a cup of heavy cream, making it 460 calories. Do that 2-3 times a day and you will feel your pants get tight and your face chubbier!
1 month

Pdf (public displays of fat)

Was at a picnic with my then-partner and it was pretty warm out. A lot of guys took off their shirts and I did too. I didn't think anything of it until I saw photos.

I had no idea I looked like that....

And everyone else saw, too.
1 month

Pdf (public displays of fat)

🤣 That’s pretty funny!

Yes, I almost fell through the floor!
1 month

Why are people so angry at fat acceptance movements on the internet?

People here forget, as I do, that many, many people find body fat as repulsive as dog poop and I'm not kidding. I mean this one guy I worked with said "I can't eat in a restaurant if I'm sitting across from a fat person." They are grossed out, disgusted and appalled at how many people are obese now in the Western world.

That's why. You get immersed in this community and feel like the whole world is changing. It's not. There are just more fat people. And some are overtly or covertly against you, your happiness or anything else that's positive.

I'm sorry but that's my experience. My ex used to come home and tell me about some bastard on the subway that made a disparaging remark about her body. I was like "Why would anyone do that?"

One forgets...sigh.
1 month

Your favorite way to gauge how fat you're getting?


Measurements? (Chest, belly, hips, arms, thighs)

A strange feeling of being "tired" lately? (Your body is adjusting to carrying the extra pounds)

"Itchy" belly? (Means your tum is growing!)

Comments on "before and after" photos?

People in person? (One guy said "Your face really filled in!" "How nice of you to notice."smiley

Clothes not fitting?

Getting out of bed naked in the morning and just feeling the SAG of all your blubber? smiley

1 month

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed IRL - I don't know about being "fed" but I have been out with someone who encourages me to keep ordering, and eating.

2. Ate myself to sleep
Totally - and wake up at 3 AM and go get more food.

3. Had sex while being fed at the same time

4. Stolen food because I�m just a piggy
"Borrowed." If I eat someone's food I will replace it, and eat it down to where it was before.

5. Been called a fat name in public

6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly

I've had women at work gently touch my stomach while we're talking. It never fails to thrill me!

7. Been fatter than my current weight


8. Ripped clothes or popped a button

Popped buttons and, two weeks ago, a huge screw shot out from my office chair when I leaned back.

9. Broken furniture because of my weight

See above, lol.

10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on

Nooo, I love Piggies! Met one at a hotel three years ago, an adorable little porker - he was like a dog!

11. Fantasized about immobility


12. Ate until I threw up


13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size


14. Posted nudes of myself online


15. Been fed online

16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member

No fucking comment. It started when I was in the single digits.

17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat

Yessss and the fatter I got, the more she went NUTS on me! smiley

18. Started rubbing my belly in public

I don't know

19. Been called a pig


20. Been weighed and measured by my partner


21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
1 month

Pdf (public displays of fat)

Sooooo into this...! In the right situation. I love pretending I don't know my t-shirt isn't covering my belly and seeing people look me up and down, it's a thrill!

I was at a nice resort and went up to get ariother towel. The towel girl was so sweet! I didn't feel embarassed that I was standing there in a bathing suit, knowing my stomach was hanging, and tits sagging.

We got on the subject and I said "Ah, my girlriend loves chubby dudes!"

She looked me up and down and said "Well, she must be very happy with you, then!"

1 month

Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?

I've had lovers who were 80-pound adults, and i loved the feeling of this little lady climbing all over me! Soooo cute.You can also pick up little humans, put them over your shoulder and carry them to bed. ❤️

And I've had lovers upwards of 340 pounds, delightful to roll around in all the sweet butter, and watch her walk around the house with all her pounds hanging, and running over and hugging her.

I prefer a very fat partner, though! smiley
1 month
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