Weight gain from the holidays

oh for me it was about 8lbs in your measurements form 91kg to 95kf or 96 more today :-) not ready to stop yet before i reach 101kg
9 years

Top 10 reasons women should have fat boyfriends

I would like to add ......or make them chubby :_)

and some funny stuff:

#1 you can tease him more easily by poking pinching and squeezing him in his softer prats

#2you can easily tickle him and run away where he once was catching you easily and tickling you back until you were helpless now can just wait until he is breathing hard and get slowly grinning back on him and ticke him until he submits to do whatever ...:_)

#3 If he want´s to much sexy you can easily combine sex and the longing for food in form of first food then sex afterwards food to calm hi dwon and stuff him until he can´t move .....you could then use his state for various other attempts on him :_)

#4 you can further let him do exercises to see if he gained enough for his belly o bunch up and jiggle on certain occasions

#5 you could wrestle with him easily when he once was frocing you down and taking advantage of you and to what ever he liked in bed like pinning down your hands so easily you now are fast against him with his added pusge to play fight hi easily and get him exhausted until you can use some bondage on him and do some kinky things with him maybe even some food ;-) O.O

*6 If he teases you like i would do when having a few more sexy pounds after christmas you can easily make him gain more until you are teasing him about it until he get´s red in the face knowing that wouldn´t have happened when he could control his eating and do sports as he used to ....

#7 when you knock him out with a mmysterious food coma (is that really possible?) you could just use him as you pillow how you like :_) ehm given the fact that u get him at the desired place before he passes out :-)

#8 You would be a revenge hero for all the girls he poked and teased about some belly chubb in school and even now sometimes ;-) and you would prove to him being once very fit is no guarantee for beeing fit and staying slim now .....if you wanted to you could easily make me gain 20lbs or even 50lbs
You could prove a guy wrong that always found it easy to beat girls in exercises and sport challenges and make him chubby by some nice kinky bets you know you will win him having this belly now .

#9 yeah it´s might be a real fun for both :_)
9 years

How big do you wanna be?

hmm i would like to gain in steps of 10lbs until 250 maybe and would like to see having a nice gf with maybe some feeder tendencies if i will get chubbier or at some point will get into shape but i can aimagine some maximum weight at 300lbs maybe

but as long as i am alone i only will gain until 240 maybe and see if i can still hide the fact i am now chubby and not just having a little more weight on me for a short time ...:-)
9 years

Sucking in for shame

at least is till believe so :_)
but would be nice to ask that a naughty teasing feeder girl :_)
9 years

Feeder to feedee

No don´t get me wrong i still like to see a slim girl get chubby and would enjoy helping her or seducing her or even tricking her to gain weight if it is consensual ;-) but i realized the last month and maybe even years i would find it much hotter when my feeder tendencies would turn against me and i would end up as the chubby one beeing at some point maybe even on the brink of beeing not able to cemptete against my girl in sport things :_/
9 years

Be fat for me

oh i would love to pay along and see what you will have for naught games and fantasies for me ;-)
9 years

Vegetarian gain

good point and interesting :_)

hehe vegetarian feeder yould use that to say hey dear you are gaining wight grappling some ass and chubb of mine telling me to eat more healthy only to make me gain from (in my thoughts non fattening healthy sure it is) food :-)

hehe and beeing surprised one day having a jiggly belly when brushing my teeth with my gf besides my grinning and grabbing some chubb telling maye some exercises could help with the healthy food you look chubier than ever dear .
Only to get me see performing some exhausting exercises once easy t me and see my chubb fold and jiggle .....

so vegetarian .....es it was good it is possible to gain weight throught for ppl who decided to eat like that or can´t eat other foods ....:-)

and that is a damn round nice bum as exhibit A smiley
9 years

How fat would you like to be?

hmm i would love to gain in steps of 10lbs at least over some time until i feel like getting to chubby at 250lbs maybe if i would have a gf and then it would be interesting to see what happens when i try to exercise and she tries to seduce and tempt me to eat more go lazy or even stuff me full before a planned exercise programm and see who has more willpower my desires or my gf to make me gain ;-)
but for now 230-240 and at maximum i would say depends on the girl :-) 300 maybe but with the option of getting training back into shape ....if i would like to try :-)
9 years


oh i would love that , too with the push ups and some little exercises to show the girl how infit she is and soft while pinching and squeezing her body when doing those exercises ....but i need someone where at some point we could switch side and she get me chubby and does the same maybe even gets a bit fit again to have the total opposite effect of slim and fit ;-)

that would be perfect someone with whom you can do this over and over again as a kind of longtime ropleplay and struggle of who has more control over whom thehe

i guess to weird for any girl to like that ....?
9 years