New profile search question

I'm curious why we can't filter profiles by orientation? It would seem like that would be a basic function on a site that let's you sort profiles by most other dating criteria.
8 years

Why does it seem like most male gainers are gay?

Honestly it may be just choice of titles. Feedees either have or are looking for a Feeder, but Gainers are more likely to be a solo act. Or at least that's why I'm listed as a gainer.
8 years

Nearby profiles not working

So I was just playing with this and it is working. However if you click the search button you'll see the default distance is set to all. Change it to anything else and it works fine.
8 years


Its a known issue, its on the admin's to do list after chat is finished being updated. is where he stated that.
8 years

2016 weight gain goals

I'm 390ish now so 400 before easter and probably 440 for the year are the goals, might try for more but we'll start there.
8 years

Currently listening to

Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip - Waiting for the beat to kick in...
8 years

Weight gain pills and powders worth a try?

I'd say its more like any diet product. If you already have the right lifestyle then it will augment your results to a degree, but if you're not already doing things right you won't get much out of it.
8 years

*post all shake recipes here*

I'm pretty sure your glass is too small but it still sounds good.
8 years

New ideas, thoughts?

Sounds unpleasant but the logic seems sound enough.
8 years


I'm actually having trouble finding my waist lol. I never wear anything that high. Narrowest I can find is 55" and my belly is 64" so an 9" difference.
8 years