At what point are you super-sized fat?

How do you decide when someone has grown so fat that he/she can be considered "super-sized"?
3 years

Male gainers: thoughts on wearing bras?

I have a condition (gynecomastia) which has resulted in large breasts when I gained. I normally wear binding undershirts to try and flatten them out and keep them in place. These would work better than a jogging bra, too, if their movement was a problem for you.

What were your thoughts when your breasts started to get big? How did they feel?
3 years

First time using heavy cream

Try adding Torani syrup. Lots of different flavors are available.
3 years

Expecting pants to fit - and they don’t

With me, a couple days ago... I put on a pair of swim trunks and found they'd barely fit.
3 years

Ever broken a piece of furniture?

A rickety chair at a restaurant and a bed with my wife.
3 years

Songs about fatties

"Fat" by Weird Al
3 years

Growing man tits

I am early in this new gaining phase I'm on (up only 15 lbs so far of a hoped-for 60), but I am really hoping for moobs. I am also on a couple of medications (not BC pills!) which have moobs (gynecomastia)as a potential side-effect, so fingies crossed!

What sort of meds?
3 years

Eating food you don’t like

I found some buffets are like this. Unfortunately for me, all buffets near me are like this. Don't bother trying to get stuffed and bloated on food you don't like. It's not going to work and you'll just get annoyed.

Lately I've found Taco Bell to be easy to get stuffed on.

Another thing I do is start with a 16oz glass. Add a shot or two of Torani syrup. Then fill the rest of the glass with cream and whole milk (or just cream only). It's like melted ice cream.
3 years

10,000 calorie challenge

I tried yesterday and failed pretty hard, mainly because I underestimated how much I could try to convince myself that I like pizza

This is my biggest problem with getting really stuffed. After a certain point, the taste/texture of a food gets such I can't eat any more. I need something different.
3 years