Getting stuck and breaking furniture

The seat at the movie theatre is getting snug for the little butterball. He fills it now.
6 years

Watching someone get fat!

Is the the fattening itself that's appealing or is it the final FAT result?

If you're asking feeders, it's about both, and more than either. Watching someone grow soft and round is probably physically appealing to me because of how it's affected our relationship. Partially it's the rush of control and knowing this person has put their trust in me, and partially it's the contentment I see as they get fatter. Knowing my fiance used to run and now walking four blocks puts him out of breath, how he used to be so active and now I can more or less roll him over when I please is very satisfying to me.
6 years

The final ten

The fiance is on the final ten pounds, which means he will have gained 60 lbs total. For health reasons, this should be the final gain.
I'm writing this because nobody appreciates the process like those on this site, and I want to savour the experience of watching him growing softer and rounder. I'm seeing what used to be a large shirt on him start to feel snug as he fills out, and I think he's about halfway there.
Most of all, it's been a great experience to watch him get more comfortable with being fat, settling into his weight, and watching all the changes that have taken place over the past year. Just so proud of him.

Could you please post you "Butterballs" fat diet? How did you get him to gain 60 lbs? I would like to try it myself, I just lack the motivation to follow-thru to the end.

I could message you a comprehensive list. I've posted suggestions sprinkled around the site. It's kind of extensive but it definitely worked.
6 years

The final ten

Atta girl! Sounds like with all the changes habits he will definitely continue to gain I'm sure of it.

Any chance of sharing a before/current pic?

You have no idea how much longing I have to show off my handsome little butterball. He's a little internet shy, so i don't want to post something without his consent.
6 years

The final ten

The fiance is on the final ten pounds, which means he will have gained 60 lbs total. For health reasons, this should be the final gain. .

Congratulations on helping your fiance round out and accept his chubbiness. Now that he is nicely fattened and exercising is harder, limiting future gains can be challenging. In particular, his fat cells have probably doubled twice and insulin resistance makes it easier to fill them up.

As reluctant as he may be, portion control and some vigorous exercise may be needed to hold off additional gains. This is particularly difficult on a honeymoon where indulgence is so tempting.

After I gained my first 60 pounds, my gains accelerated until I had put on 140 pounds total. It took a major exercise and diet program to even bring me down to a mere 80 pound gain.

Thanks, those are definitely things to watch out for. I was pretty successful at keeping him close to his original gain, but you're right - they definitely creep in. My desire to put ten more pounds on him was definitely fueled also by my own longing to watch him get fatter and softer. So I have to watch that and take special care not to overstep my limits. I might have to find someone to platonically fatten to satisfy that desire.😈
6 years

The final ten

The fiance is on the final ten pounds, which means he will have gained 60 lbs total. For health reasons, this should be the final gain.
I'm writing this because nobody appreciates the process like those on this site, and I want to savour the experience of watching him growing softer and rounder. I'm seeing what used to be a large shirt on him start to feel snug as he fills out, and I think he's about halfway there.
Most of all, it's been a great experience to watch him get more comfortable with being fat, settling into his weight, and watching all the changes that have taken place over the past year. Just so proud of him.
6 years

Girlfriend not confident in her body

Parents, in their attempts to do what's best frequently overstep the mark. Alternately, they could also be jerks. Either way, they can have a detrimental effect on one's esteem. While you can and should be patient - and seem to be those things - it is ultimately up to her to love herself and find that inner confidence.
Perhaps she's incredulous that anyone would find her size appealing, or perhaps she's still working through those things. I think continuing to try to make your relationship special and loving and accepting her, and supporting her in self confidence without deliberately bringing it up will certainly add to the relationship. Even if it doesn't work out, you made the effort and kept it meaningful. And, if it does, then great!
6 years

Reckless gaining

For me, it would take away the thrill. One of the most satissatisfying things to watch as I fatten up the little Butterball, is watching is self control slowly melt away. We had this huge dinner with a few feedees and feeders who were much larger than he is, and watching him simply eat just because of his company was heartening.
But it is slowly watching him go for another serving, finish another dish, and develop hunger where he would have been fine a few months ago...that's satisfying.

Curious 1:
Wait, you have feedee friends that you meet in real life to eat with? How did you meet them? I have yet to meet anyone in real life that shares our fetish

A friend of mine used to be a little chubby. She started dating this fellow who really fattened her up, and we had a moment of recognition between the two of us. So once in a while yeah we have a dinner together where we fatten our little piggies and make sure they eat...well, everything. They got married and had a baby, and she's pregnant again so she isn't currently being fattened, but we still get together and encourage others. It's all rather hedonistic and fun.
6 years

Helping my feedee

So I've recently become a feeder for my boyfriend. We've been together about 4 months now, and we both have a desire for him to gain weight. We've started doing feeding sessions pretty frequently, and already we're seeing some pretty good results! However, we're starting to find that the foods we've been buying haven't exactly been cheap.
Unfortunately, money is always tight with us, so our options seem pretty limited. Even fast food can be a bit more demanding on our wallets than we'd like for it to be. Does anyone know of any cheap foods to buy for weight gain? We'd like for it to at least taste okay, but our main goal is to find something cost effective! We've tried googling this stuff, but most of the time we get results for losing weight cheaply as opposed to gaining it.

It might also help to pay close attention to how much activity he gets. One thing that helps weight gain is not moving as much (obvious). Carbs are always good, but also meat and dairy. If money is an issue, though, try also curtailing the amount of movement he does in a day.
Also, get him into cooking. Once we settled in and the little Butterball started cooking he started to put on a little weight. Encourage him to cook and especially dessert cookbooks - that really helped fatten him up
6 years

Is being out of shape a turn on?

This morning at work I took the stairs, but had to stop to catch my breath about halfway up...and it unexpectedly, REALLY made me hot 😍 Just curious if this is fairly common...if you�re in a relationship does your partner find it attractive? and FYI I�m taking the elevator tomorrow.

It is impossible for my fiance to get all the way up the stairs without stopping. I find it so cute. I've heard him when he's cleaning and going up and down. It's so cute
6 years