Word wrap is weird

Hi admins. On mobile for me, word wrap is happening within words in some places. It makes things hard to read! 🤣 Any thoughts?

This is something we are aware of, but thank you for bringing this to our attention again. It's on our list of fixes for the site!

FF Team
1 year

Suggestion for the videos main site

Hi LadyPiggerton,

Thanks for reaching out regarding the video section.

For gallery sections such as pics, stories and videos we have a 'recommended' sort in place as default. However you can change the sort and if cookies are enabled your sort preference should be saved every time you log in.

To change this, go to the video section, select search and using the Sort By drop down option at the bottom of the sort form, select Newest.

I hope this helps!

FF Team
1 year

Capitalized letters issue in story titles?

Hi ConJohn,

The site used to have lowercase titles, subtitles and well pretty much everything and this was by design not a bug.

With the new site update *couple of years ago now* We have brought capitalised letters back on the site sections and headings.

Will highlight with hiccupx if this is still intentional or if it needs updating.


FF Team
1 year

Unpublished stories being viewed

The story views on your unpublished story, will be when you have gone into the story yourself. to view it and make changes.

I have just checked your story section (via your profile) and I can confirm there are no likes on your unpublished story. But as I have viewed the story via your profile it now shows 20 views.

Nobody else can view your story until it has been published. At this point it will be live on the site, and added to the story listing / gallery pages.

Hope this helps,
FF Team
1 year

Bbw/(u)ssbbw stories on amazon

If you are interested, we're always looking for authors to join us and create premium content. You can check out more details and apply here: fantasyfeeder.com/about/authors
1 year

What does it mean when a story says "updated 1 day" or "updated x time period"?

Hi Guerillanita,

Thanks for getting in touch. The updated date on stories, is when an author has gone in and edited the story in some way.

This could be to add a new chapter, or it could be that they have needed to do some small edits either to the cover art, or corrections to spelling and grammar.

Any changes at all, will give an new 'updated' date.

FF Team
1 year

Suggestions for chat

Hi SowTrainer,

Thanks for your suggestion for a new room in the chat. It's certainly something we can consider and will bring this up with the site owner.

FF Team
1 year

Uploading images for a graphic novel

Hi Iwritepopulargirlstories,

Thanks for your question regarding graphic novels.

At the moment this feature is just a place holder for when we develop the story section further to incorporate graphic novels.

Sorry about the confusion! I will speak to the site owner, to see if we can grey this option out for now.

FF Team
1 year

Ff authors - earning accounts

Hi SlverRaven,

If you have contacted us over the weekend period, Then it may take a little longer for us to get back to you, so don't worry I am sure there's nothing wrong.

I will be checking messages via the team inbox alter today, so if you have not had a response by then, there could potentially be an issue your end but do try reaching out again if this is the case!

FF Team
1 year

Invite friends

Hi Bellyempire,

We don't currently have a friend referral scheme, but this is a great idea for us to consider going forwards.

Thanks for your question / suggestion!

FF Team
1 year